@nightsavior If I were you, I would take 'criticism' that is not justified or understandable (because there are no arguments) with humor or carefully ignore it.
tips and criticism that don't help you or obviously just want to say from behind 'you're bad' you should generally not take them seriously.
go your own way and you'll get better, and along the way you'll meet more and more people who don't understand you or don't want to understand you or who don't have a good attitude. but you will also meet people who will help you and take you further
there are a few things i see similar to you.
I also think it's good that they seem to know where they still have to work (that's really, damn valuable).
you are also right that some critics have no idea what constitutes art or an artist's ideas. in art, the statement: 'you are bad' is a typical statement from people who didn't understand it.
there are so many different art styles. it's often the case that you come across some styles that you don't like (but it's not bad anyway).
you could say: `artist X painted wrong here and there and the motifs are not good´
But that's like going up to a little kid and yelling at them because they can't do everything perfectly on the first try.
long story short:
Art is nothing but a form of an artist's expression with different media (whether drawn, crafted, music, acting and/or synchronization).
if your pictures express what you want to express, it's good. (even if it doesn't matter to others)
but I guess most of what I'm trying to say you already know, or figured out for yourself.
Thanks for engaging with me! I agree art is a blend of objective skill but also subjective choices and subjective meaning. For example,many of my favorite artists are great at anatomy but they deliberately exaggerate certain physical traits beyond normal constraints. Then there's the debate on whether or not surreal or geometric landscapes bordering on cubism are better than realistic scenic ones. (I guess it depends on the particular work and how well various things interact and blend together.)
There's also the saying artists cannot take criticism but on a similar note critics do not always leave helpful advice nor is them giving you a low rating by itself with no further feedback anything you can use other than the mirthful joy you may feel offending an overly sensitive easily aggravated asshole somewhere. lol.