Fool,chronicler,character concept carpenter,tale-spinner,and meme spitter! Social as a lizard,one quarter wizard!

Age 47, Male

Rambling idea guy

Joined on 6/5/04

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nightsavior's News

Posted by nightsavior - October 17th, 2024

I have grown increasingly fond of New-Grounds over the years. That attitude has extended to Tom Fulp whom seems like a pretty cool guy though we would obviously disagree on some things! In other words,I was not gone having some sort of angst-ridden temper tantrum. I was gone because a friggin hurricane took out my electricity,running water,and internet for quite a long time! If it hadn't been for my best bro/roomie the situation would have been catastrophic. An extra pair of hands willing to help during a disaster really turns the tides.

I got to know some of my neighbors better. Overall a decent bunch. Interacted with a dear friend I hadn't seen in years whom brought us fresh plates of food on her way to check up on a few other folks. Meanwhile the rest of the locals in my town banded together making sure no one went hungry or lacked bottled drinking water. Bless each and everyone of them!

All I can say is I'm grateful to still be here. I'm omitting the more disturbing details of just how bad it got in certain areas for my own peace of mind as much as for yours! Apologies for the long silence but NG has so many talented artists,animators,and miscellaneous other creators none of you probably realized I was even gone. lol.



Posted by nightsavior - March 17th, 2024

It's utterly dystopian how we have both homeland security and the ADL stepping in to strong-arm-gamers just because a Brazilian steam curator made a list of games that Sweet Baby Inc had worked on. (If they are so proud of their work why are they this mad over someone else sharing the public information that had been on their very own site?)

If you're not in the know, they are a woke consultancy agency that has other subsidiarity branch off companies like Weird Ghosts and Infinite Ammo.

I'll just let their portfolio speak for them. They had their hands in the Saints-row Reboot,Forspoken,Alan Wake 2,and Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League. Perhaps one of those games is a guilty pleasure of yours but financially they've all been flops. (To be fair they also worked on GOW Ragnarok which was not a flop but even then it received criticism for certain added elements that do not fit in with Kratos' core personality traits nor the Norse setting he has found himself in with his son.)

Gamers never took issue with diversity in their games or other entertainment. Characters like Blade,Static Shock,Storm,Juan (From Guacamelee),Raven (Tekken version),Eddy Gordo,Elena,Laura,and Sheva Alomar are just a few examples of representation done correctly! (In my opinion.) All most gamers want is likable appealing characters and fantasy escapism without pander-heavy-current-year-power-point-propaganda!

But when women in modern western games are made uglier to not offend the sensitivities of certain special snow-flakes in current year whilst we play as a deaf black girl spray painting graffiti art in Spiderman 2 instead of as Black-Cat,Spider-Gwen,or as Venom it's safe to say Triple A gaming in the west is very much up its' own caboose!

Any sane person into an artistic creative medium will feel stifled by this because these days there's too many cooks in the kitchen. Good luck getting non-political competent scripts or hetero-normative-fan-service character concept designs passed the equity,inclusion,and diversity officers!

By the way, this is just variations of Larry Fink's forcing of behaviors. It's not about helping downtrodden yet talented people. It's about check-marking boxes so boomers in high positions can both pat themselves on their backs and get that sweet-as-honey-esg-score-funding! They just want the money along with more ways to influence as well as control their consumers.

Granted its' not working out for them very well! For example, more people on average went back to playing the older Arkham games than current players logged in to the Suicide Squad servers. Forspoken shut down the studio that created it. Saints-row reboot shut down the studio that created it. Alan Wake is a divisive title splitting its' intended fan base right down the middle. The collateral damage forced woke-ness has inflicted upon the gaming industry cannot be ignored.......


Posted by nightsavior - December 9th, 2023


I was a younger adult looking at stuff by Zone Tan and Shad-base. At the very least the edgy-era of Newgrounds past gave me a thicker skin today! By stark contrast this is some of the most innocuous non offensive fan-art I have ever seen. It "implies" the contours of the body whilst showing absolutely no skin. Yet certain posters on X are "big mad".

Consider the logic. If you enjoy this you are somehow shaming flat-chested women "irl". But if you prefer flat chested woman we all know which buzzword would be used against you instead! You cannot negotiate with certain types. Some individuals just wanna metaphorically light you on fire to watch you burn.

Loons that rage over artistic creativity not 100% in lock-step with their sensitivities are mentally ill. They need to get some kind of help and hopefully in time they will outgrow being perpetual wimps.



Posted by nightsavior - November 28th, 2023

Two creators doxed or attempted to be doxed back to back. First we have Gooseworx whom was outed as trans. I could kinda tell by the inflection of her voice during an interview but the point is some sensitive information got out there against her consent and her privacy was egregiously infringed. Next up we have the developer of "The Coffin Of Andy and Ley-Ley" leaving the internet because the "No-Fun-Zoners" were attempting to ruin her as well. I also have to add Dischord-mod bullying to the pile as fans of Little Witch Nobeta were also targeted and forced to vacate their original chat server. Even people whom just lurked there but never posted anything got a veiled threat in "Polite corpo speak".

I don't know about you but this depresses me. These young adults obviously robbed of their best years by the lock downs are now trying to attack "indie creators" just getting started with their small-time successes. I want to tell these upstart thin-skinned little bastards that their ire should be directed at the government and big pharma for fucking up every aspect of their lives. Whether it is expensive gas,over inflated food prices,not being able to afford an actual house, or crime left to run rampant in big cities NONE OF THAT has to do with the folks in the first paragraph I just mentioned. If anything I hypothesize some of them started these projects out of boredom,frustration,and strained financial straits to hopefully get by.

I've seen commentators take pock-shots at Disney movies and movies by Warner Bros too. But those are megalithic super brands given funding by outside donators,share holders,and advertisers. They are inwrapped in so many layers of protection Mickey's lawyers would come to your apartment with flame-throwers if you tried to dox sensitive top secret stuff about Kathleen Kennedy or Bob Iger. But imagine being a "silly little guy" or "silly little gal" living in your "silly little hovel" with no big-time connections. You finally create your magnum opus. It does great for awhile. But then a buncha self appointed witch hunters barely old enough to be out of their diapers go after you with the fervor of the knights templar being told their is another holy crusade! This is why we cannot have nice things ya'll.

On Newgrounds I can count my followers on my fingers. I get maybe 5 likes or "5 votes" on a good day and hey,I'm grateful for it! I was once just a little bigger because I got scouted by someone. Then that someone left so I was cast back into the pit of obscurity. Given recent events I'm glad nothing I created attained any semblance of recognition or fame either as being "genuinely liked" or "infamous lol-cow-material".

There are too many people out there that try to make everything "political" and "personal" so if your beliefs or ideas cut against the grain in any way they will come after you. (Whilst still being too cowardly to riot outside the headquarters of Disney,Fox,or Warner bros. because those little shits know what would happen if they did!)

"Ben, didn't this happen before"? You ask. Yes. Multiple times. Remember the hub bub that happened to the creator whom created the FNAF franchise? He was run off just for being Christian and reputedly liking Trump. None of that would be apparent for awhile because he never put his political leanings into his games. After all FNAF is about scary animatronic restaurant mascots coming after you in the dark,not about who you are going to vote for in the upcoming election! There are other small-time creators whom got the shaft as well but this post is running long in the tooth already.

In parting......

Fuck corpos

Fuck government goons


Fuck miserable pipsqueak haters masquerading as "fans" and "followers......

The whole online creative space needs an enema!



Posted by nightsavior - September 25th, 2023

I noticed my "Latest art pod" references my stuff from 2022. I have made more recent art in 2023 and before now that was the art being displayed. Anyone else have this problem? It's not the end of the world,I'm just curious! Most likely NW is just doing updates and moving around files! (Or maybe I changed a setting unknowingly.)



Posted by nightsavior - May 10th, 2023

Noticed hooplah in the forums over "minors" and art. The first topic revolves around whether or not its' alright to be a minor whilst doing commissions of erotic illustrations and the other topic simply focuses on fictional minors being depicted in in artistic media. I know I'll probably lose followers with my :hot take" (No matter what someone is gonna blow a gasket and be offended!) but here it goes.

I'm rating this as "mature" to play it safe so if you have a younger brother or younger sister (Or are old enough to be a parent to an adolescent) feel free to read this then relay anything here you think may help them. I'm going to keep it "mostly" clean but a few swear words or other profanities may pop off from time to time.

1. Drawing erotica before 18

Anyone claiming they didn't doodle naughty stuff before they were 18 is probably lying. Even non-artists have drawn a funnily shaped penis in a bathroom stall or a pair of tits onto their desk. However,you should ask yourself what you want to be known for as an artist "and" if creating art for questionable clientele while you are still young enough for it to be illegal is worth the risk. (By the way,it absolutely is not.) You don't want to be stuck in juvenile hall. Bad things happen there. You may get "edge-lord points" from strangers whom don't even matter in your life but in the long run it will be a blemish on your existence.

However, I get it. You are going through puberty. Heck,you might have already even made out with your girlfriend or boyfriend! It's not as if we're not already sexual beings before 18. So,keep a diary or hidden sketchbook. Draw all the kinky stuff you want but keep it on the down low. Then by the time you're 18 you will have honed the skills to draw that subject matter "if" you want to dabble in rule 34 going forward.

By the way, being able to draw "sex" will not necessarily get you automatic success,fame,or commissions. It's fine if you do it for enjoyment but be aware it is not the Solomon's key of the art-scene. It will also cause problems in your immediate future if you suddenly decide to change gears professionally to focus solely on "general audience" content. For some reason the west has a stigma attached to when an artist goes from adult material to regular kid-friendly material.

Lastly, If you want to up your chances of fiscal gain you are going to have to keep up with tricks of the trade and develop other skills on the side. (Like animation,website design,and advertising.)

2. Younger people depicted in fictional illustrated mediums

People like to feel "morally superior" about everything. It's good to have scruples yet we try to "gain virtue signaling brownie points" via the laziest most ill conceived routes imaginable.

Certain people take issues with lolis as that term is depicted in Japanese anime and Japanese manga. I do not. I understand within that context it simply means a character that is short,lithe,and youthful looking. Rebecca from Edge-Runners is a loli even though she's an adult. There are also "kid lolis" too like Kanna from Dragon-maid. Regardless the parameters I don't give a single fuck.

I likewise do not care when I see Raven,Star-Fire,Kim Possible,various X-girls,Ben's cousin Gwen,Mavis,or the totally spies trio sexualized because not only were they drawn to be attractive to begin with but they have been through puberty physicality-wise so yes,"if" they were real teenagers they would be fantasizing about or engaging in sexual activities already.

People bitching over this whilst throwing around slanderous buzzwords never bring up Epstein's island or human trafficking coyotes. They never seem concerned about how our elites and acronym agencies use/abuse REAL children or how big corporations exploit child sweat-shops over seas. They are armchair moralists at war with drawn lines that occasionally move when animated. They would shit themselves and whimper if ever confronted with the real pain,real suffering,and real darkness of this world.

Wanna make a difference? Make a goddamn difference and get off the friggin internet you hypocritical philistines. I've seen so many countless "expose streams" on youtube of Twitterati-virtue-signalers calling something out only to have their most embarrassing skeletons exposed in real time showing they are guilty of what they accuse others of! It happens without delay and without fail!

PS: If the art causing moral outrage already has proper filters,warnings,and ratings applied I care EVEN LESS than I did before!


Posted by nightsavior - September 29th, 2022

So the Ugandan knuckles president called homosexuals "disgusting". That's a harsh stance but we cannot expect every place to globally embrace our own values when it comes to human rights. It is very sad but poignantly true.

What I think doesn't matter but for the record, I'm not anti-gay. Do I think the LGBT community has been infiltrated by crazies and bad actors? Of course,same with just about every other demographic. This is why I'm not entirely against gate-keeping if it is successful at keeping the bad people out!

Anyway,posted the below reply on the forum. It's "edited" because I'm not always the best speller nor perfect at trying to express my thoughts in a hastily written draft. Usually takes me awhile to "get there" so to speak.

I'll take the time to reiterate I'm seeing a "war of ideas" play out. It's become more about tribes,affiliations,and teams than it is about race or gender. I say that because I've seen trans-folks,women,gays,blacks,latinos,and asians called despicable bigoted slurs by their own merely because they had the audacity to come forward with a different opinion. If you don't tow the line you get left behind......That simple.

Atop that nasty divisive fractured layer is class favoritism. Study any wealthy family dynasty into politics,banking,or business and it is obvious they can practically kick puppies and drown nuns without ever facing repercussions. Not all successful people turn out rotten. There are quite a few good ones actually! But an overwhelming ambition for power, control,and attention does correlate to certain negative personality traits.

Obviously there is a group of 1%ers that want us fighting each other. That want us to hate each other. Divided we continue to fall and it's easier to take on fractured demoralized sub groups as opposed to a unified front. Worst of all,these particular 1%ers can identify as Democrat or Republican. (Spineless Republicans get called "republicans in name only" for a reason.)

The radicalized extreme part of the left has been a more useful pawn to the globalist elites lately but remember this was only allowed to happen because traitors within the silent majority either sold out or didn't fight back hard enough.



Posted by nightsavior - August 10th, 2022

Okay you activated my autism. Man there's a lot to unpack here.

At 7/25/22 01:10 AM, nightsavior wrote:
For those against gun ownership all I have to say is this. Would you prefer only police,the body guards of the wealthy,and acronym agencies have guns? Do you think the government will always act in accordance with helping its' citizens? That criminals will also obey gun restrictions? Surely something long buried in your subconscious must be telling you what a load of crap that is.

Do I trust the Wealthy to protect me? Fuck no. Do I trust the government to protect me? No but surprisingly we can fix that.

Ah the "criminals don't follow laws" argument. illegal guns don't come out of thin air they have to come from some where. They're often stolen from law abiding citizens or purchased legally in a different state before there used in a crime.

I can also use an automobile or cooking knife to kill someone. So,do we ban all cooking knives and all automobiles? Because it is not inanimate objects that are the problem but rather people whom are mentally ill. (Whom typically target gun-free zones thus exploiting anti-gun sentiments. Aka,they are cowards that go after the unarmed.)

Correct I can kill someone with a car or a knife however. I can't sit on top of a building with a knife or car and kill like 30 people. But with an ar15 I definitely can

There will never even be a 100% non-gun utopia. Even if every citizen handed in their guns the regimes,crooks,and authoritarians in control will "never" relinquish theirs. (Nor act in accordance with the same ever increasing regulations they place upon the commonwealth.)

I have no idea what you're arguing here but if you're arguing that citizens should be armed as a check on the government. That's a real terrible idea. An I dea that will getcha killed you need more than couple of small arms to even take on police units. Why don't you look up Shay's rebellion or (to a lesser extent) black panthers.

You know holding your LEO's accountable does wonders for keeping you safe from the government.

If you want to honestly address the problem perhaps it starts with more youth being depressed and angry from the ridiculously long lock-downs as well as "outrage mob cancel culture" that has found its' home on social media aps like Tik-Tok and Twitter. How many innocent people get their reputations destroyed by vicious gossip and unproven accusations "online"? How many people get their personal information doxed or lose a job over false allegations just because a company wants to save face in the public eye instead of sticking up for its' employees? More than you think by my wager.

Yeah mass shootings have been around way before covid

It's obvious this crisis is psychological and sociopolitical in nature. If a society is sick so to is its' people. Also ponder that "shootings" have only become much more frequent in the last 30 or so years. People owned guns before that and it was relatively more peaceful. This is a rather "new" recurring escalating pattern in the greater scheme of things.

No, no they haven't a certain man in a bell tower would disagree with you.


Got this lovely reply from the forums. Regardless, I normally would not even bother. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. "But" if you are curious, I do believe this is an important issue to debate so without further delay....

"Guns come from "somewhere" often by ill gotten means!"

+ Or people make guns once things get desperate enough. I also never implied criminal guns are not stolen. But typically the problem is these same criminals cross into "gun restriction zones" because they know they will have absolutely no opposition until police arrive. By then people are dead. I rather the teachers and security guards be strapped. (So long as they pass a psychological exam and are not ideologue wingnuts!)

+Gunz are more dangerous than cars or knives!"

With an automobile you can kill just as many people. Just wait for a parade or bicycle race/runner's race. As for a knife? At least people can "scatter",run,and find cover from a guy in a belltower. Now,imagine being on a subway train when some psychos hopped up on meth decide to go "Johnny homicidal maniac" with their army knives. I promise you that body count will still be high. That and there are folks that know how to make bombs with stuff you find in a kitchen or a janitor's closet. Additionally someone could poison water reservoirs that would catastrophically effect whole towns. You greatly underestimate human ingenuity.

+ "Hold Leos accountable!"

With what exactly? What do you do when DOJs and police are bought off by billionaires and the only people with armed protection are crooked elites and celebrities owned by crooked elites? Are you gonna stick flowers in their barrels? As for your argument that civilian firearms cannot hold up to the fire-arms wielded by police or organized crime that's just more reason for the citizenry to have less gun restrictions. When even the "common peasant" can take care of himself and his neighborhood then law-enforcement will not be as overburdened. At least when law enforcement works as it is intended to. Otherwise the system is already corrupt and the only way to change that is by resisting. Now,would you rather resist with unrestricted guns or without them?

+ "Mass shootings have been around before covid!"

The covid epidemic isn't remotely ancient history. It is practically yesterday. That does not mean it had no violent and otherwise tragic repercussions on the populace. Regardless,if you look into older records from previous decades dating back to the 40's all the way up to the 60's, 70's, and early 80's 'mass shootings" were barely an imprint on our collective conscious. Bad things happened but not on this level and they were not as widely reported on. (Reporting shootings on just about every news channel becomes an incentive for shooters to kill in the first place. They want the notoriety and fame. "Notice me senpai!".) There was an obvious escalation. Have you even lived long enough to see times change? I remember being shocked by the Columbine kids and the original LA riots due to the fact "nothing" of that magnitude was ever reported happening in my state or neighboring states. Then shortly after that such incidents were so commonly regurgitated on mainstream media many became desensitized to it.

(Whilst never addressing how mental health issues or the person's home-life played into it. Everything became about the current "scapegoat" of the times,whether it was "bad" music,videogames,or simply being of a particular political stripe.

And yes, the covid lock-down, social distancing protocols, and extended mask mandates caused depression and other psychological problems for many people. For those whom were already on a short fuse due to other accumulating struggles before the lock-down imagine how said people were effected for the almost 2+ years it has gone on in many places. Human beings are social creatures and "teh internet" is not ideal in providing us with all our social needs.)

+ "No,that dude in a bell-tower will disagree with you!"

Insane people often perceive themselves as sane. Let us not play the petty semantics game. I stand by what I said. A sick society creates sick people. To an extent we are responsible for our choices but statistics prove people that grow up neglected and bullied whilst their parents let the internet raise them have a higher probability to go awol. Same for people from broken one-parent homes,into drug use,whom were abused as children,or had to deal with poverty. A difficult life living under harsh or unfair conditions does not automatically make everyone within that particular bracket into a criminal but it certainly makes becoming a criminal a more tempting prospect!

I do not "want" us to need weapons. I wish we were so peaceful,loving,and civilized we could wholeheartedly trust our superiors and all our neighbors. But realistically we do not live in that reality nor would our human natures allow us to achieve it without thousands (If not millions) of years of evolution.

When I say "You are better of with functioning unrestricted fire-arms than without them!" it's not because I'm a violent maniac. It's because I'm a realist.

Posted by nightsavior - August 5th, 2022


Proud of this! Sometimes creative mediums should piss people off or illicit a negative response. Some big brain self professed art critic will probably saunter in here just to tell me "No,you just suck!" but I've been on New-Grounds long enough to see stuff equal to mine or stuff that is worse get higher scores just because in many cases it's not what you know but who you know!

When I dislike art I don't even bother to rate it these days. This is because I know most creatives (Whether I approve of them or not) have their own driving motivations unaffected by my feelings and my ability to give them one or two stars on their latest work. I'm more likely to offer constructive advice on a piece I take a shine to that is good but still flawed in a way I can recognize. Y'know,because that requires actual effort on my part and for me to take time out of my day to respond! Why would I invest the same time and energy into something I loathe?! Am I really going to deviate from my routine just to rate-bomb a work I would already rather forget? No thank you. I'm not a thought-masochist!

Regardless,too many kids today believe they can make someone they disapprove of "disappear" just by constantly bombarding them with "bad reviews" or "thumbs downs" when the truth is many rise to the top by using the hate they receive as "game fuel" to keep striving. I'm no different in that regard.

Don't get me wrong. I know I have a long road to walk when it comes to self improvement but I'm at least observant enough to see when I ruffled some feathers. To which my retort is by all means,stay offended! Your offense is my inspiration and drive to continue......



Posted by nightsavior - June 20th, 2020


It's the good ship lifestyle!
