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nightsavior's News

Posted by nightsavior - May 26th, 2019


Yo,not that I'm popular enough for you read my blogs or anything but I just wanted to tell my homies I'll probably refrain from the forum section. Being a bit of an OCD jerk-off, I thirst for debating a wee too much and I know eventually I'm gonna write the wrong thing in the presence of the wrong mod and get canned! This would hurt not only me but the person who graciously scouted me so my work could occasionally show up in the art portal. Aka, I'm starting to figure out how the Newgrounds gears and cogs are interconnected. A very interesting system to say the least! Be all this is the case,most of my future ranting will end up on my blog and you're all free to comment or react as you wish.

Honestly, I don't like being abrasive or controversial but I guess in this day and age some of my opinions/stances are not the norm. Politics wise? My family was always strongly Democrat and so was I until the last 10 or so years where goal-posts were moved around so much I just didn't know where I was anymore. I learned being idealistic and being pragmatic/realistic could not always coexist in the same space. It's that conundrum where there are 50 kids and you want to be nice to them all but there's only 15 happy-meals to go around because someone made a clerical error. That is to say in life we don't always get to be the savior and the good guy for everyone no matter how much we long to be accepted and loved by those we meet. Heck, sometimes it's more beneficial to make someone mad or tell them something they don't want to hear. Even parents learn this lesson. (At least the ones that do their jobs raising children correctly.)

Since surpassing my more vanilla derp-pill days I've embraced such edgy philosophies as "Racism against white people is just as wrong as racism against everyone else!" , "While it would be great if we had the technology and infinite resources to save the world we actually do not so open borders is a bad idea!", "That's not hate speech that's a shit-post!", "Censorship is bad even when it's content that offends!," "Citizens having guns to protect themselves is a novel idea!" and the real doozy "There's a difference between illegal immigrants and those who go thru the proper procedures to become legal citizens!". Uh oh,we have a real "alt right degenerate" over here! (Wink,Wink)

Oh don't worry, I've butted heads with the fringe right too! I mean I'm still pro abortion because though I don't like it treated as a cheap form of birth control so hedonistic party-people can constantly evade responsibilities there are always cases where a woman or girl gets raped or a fetus is proven to be deformed and may risk the mother's life if it comes to term. I also don't believe in relocating all non-whites to reservation cities just so certain white supremacist boomers can have their eugenic paradise. Besides, by this point we're all Heinz 57s anyway so how much "purity" is actually left? (However, the left is better off abandoning the white guilt/white privilege narrative that probably in a round about way created more angry white people in the first place. Just saying!) Lastly the type of art I draw would get me labeled as a degenerate by those "heavenly" evangelical types!

I don't really have a dog in either race. Both sides have a few good ideas and both sides compromise those good ideas with radicalized rhetoric and dumb-ass extremist bullshit. Thus it's sad many consider me some sort of loon for coming to these conclusions.

Regardless I hope I can entertain some of you......just don't expect me to be some impossibly idealized polished Adonis you have in your head. I'm offensive, I've made mistakes,I've put up dank memes on certain social media aps you'd find to be sexist or racist, and I greet even friends with a middle-finger! Only a flesh sac filled with bones,meat,gas,cum,and blood here! If you want gold or platinum go down the street to the nearest pawn-shop!


Posted by nightsavior - May 23rd, 2019

Adolescence:The forbidden topic


When I first came up with Gutterdelve my characters started their story as teenagers. But later I decided to age them up for many reasons with a big one being I simply didn't want to deal with any more controversy. I mean when you already want to tackle realistic issues people are not 100% comfortable with you don't want that additional burden of teens having "under aged sex" or getting involved in occult ritualistic orgies!

Yet I notice this disturbing trend of denying the teenager experience. From youtube to Vox some think the age of consent being 18 is still too young and that we should even further regulate relationships based on age brackets. Yet more infringements upon our freedoms but when people are duped into thinking it's "morally right" they'll gladly sacrifice their rights at the alter of virtue signaling dopamine triggering "social justice" just so they can feel as if they're "the good guys" in an ongoing war against pedophiles and other sexual deviants.


Initially I agreed with the conservative right on these topics. I don't think children should be learning anything about sex or sexual identity as young as 10 years old. A child's mind simply is not ready for those things because they have not gone thru the hormonal changes to have an idea of whether or not they're straight or gay nor do they desire sexual interaction in the first place. The most you might get is a girl liking a boy in class but they probably haven't done anything beyond holding hands and exchanging their lunchables! Even if they have "played doctor", the male cannot produce sperm at that point in development so it's pointless to introduce the mechanics of sexual relations to kids until they're much older. In other words,when they're all at least 14. (And "teaching about sex objectively" doesn't mean endorsement of it! Teens should know the potential downsides too such as unprepared for pregnancies,birth control procedures that are not always 100% full proof, and sexually transmitted diseases.)


When I was young I grew up on movies like Bueller's day off,Stand by me,The Craft,Hackers,Porky's,Buffy The Vampire Slayer,Lost Boys,Back to the future,Teen-wolf,and even American Pie. At their time these were the most honest portrayals of teens I had seen. Aka, the young protagonists had agency,intelligence,cracked dirty jokes,and yes they got into sexual situations or at the very least thought about them. There were also consequences for their actions too so usually there was still a moral lesson hidden amongst the entertaining hi-jinks. The films I mentioned didn't encourage debauchery or hedonistic behavior but they were brutally honest about teens being essentially young adults with many of the same worries and obstacles their parental counterparts were experiencing. Will I get this job? Will I make it into a good college? Does he/she like me? Did we go "too far" bullying that person? Should I bone the easy hawt ditz or wait to lose my virginity to the one girl I grew up with and truly care for? These are inquiries that pop up from the murk often, revealing to us the life of adolescents is more complex than we as adults remember it to be. And yet in every discussion I see about teens they are ALWAYS victims,never accountable for their own actions and when "what about the children?!" is predictably blared from the fog-horn of the soccer-mom emporium, teens always get lumped in with little kids even though the wants and needs of children compared to the wants and needs of adolescents are drastically different.


To be honest, I don't like being "that guy". The curmudgeon that comes along to remind new parents that yes,their teenage offspring are not perfect darlings,that they have sexual desires,and are probably writing erotic fan fictions on 4 chan and literotica, or drawing erotic Doujins on some rule 34 site! And no, there's nothing wrong with any of that but I find many adults today have "convenient amnesia" about their own teenage years all while trying to further infantize today's youth under the deceptive labeling of "protection".

As a Gen Xer I was at the cross roads of my parent's era and this era. In his 20's my father married my mother who was 17. At the time no one found this to be absurd or obscene. The age difference was a complete nothing burger. In my own youth I knew teen girls with older men and again,no one raised a stink. Often the parents knew and were okay with it. So long as the guy courting their daughter worked hard and brought home the bacon (And she was happy with him) all was peaceful. Perhaps rural mountain life is simply a little bit "different" from the big cities. Yet all too abruptly later on I was left with a moral crisis when the whole script was flipped. Suddenly age difference relationships were frowned upon and teens were portrayed as these consequence free thoughtless pod-tards until the magical age of 18 (Or 16 depending on your zip code!) that simultaneously gives them a brain, a soul, and a heart! (This was at the same time kids were given Ritalin as a substitute for playing outside during recess and "soy" started to become a popular food group among the far leftist "intellectual elite"!)


So,is it immoral to perceive teens as young adults? Is having a guilt boner for a well endowed 16 year old gymnast/ice skater the same as having a guilt boner for an 8 year old prepubescent child? Will a teen girl be traumatized for life just because someone online sent dick picks to her inbox or requested some lewds? To me the logic answer to all these is "no" but merely bringing this up has gotten my replies deleted from discussions. Indeed rather than being met with arguments I'm often presented with this eerie silence until I'm aware my post is simply no longer there. Sadly the culprit in this case seems to be the very conservatives I usually agree with because they are reacting to the backlash of corruption within child protective services,public schools,the mainstream media, pedophile laden Hollywood,and planned parenthood that have ruined many young lives in one way or another. There's a reason parents are more vigilant than ever before and I'd be lying to imply they are paranoid for no good reasons. Many of us know about the Satirist named Soph who despite only being 14 was viciously attacked by a reporter working for VICE just because her humor rubbed certain leftists the wrong way with her critiques centered around big company nepotism,censorship,and Islam. Additionally there was the whole MAGA hat debacle in which young lads standing in front of their school were yelled at and harassed by marching protesters for their outward support of our current president. It's sad we live in times where adults will compromise their own values and go after those as young as their own children just because different opinions contrary to theirs were being expressed peacefully. What I mean to say is yeah, I'd be scared for my son or daughter too if I actually had one. I get it.


Be that as it may, in our rush to protect and baby teenagers we've robbed them of the experiences that make them grow into wiser and better people. These days when someone skins their knee on something on the playground we completely take that thing away instead of improving it/making it safer. "Welp, I guess kids will have to deal without monkey bars because they're too dangerous!" Likewise if a student burns himself or herself in welding class the school will immediately drop welding from the curriculum. To me this is not the right way to go about things. "Getting dirty and getting hurt" is how we adapt and learn. The more we're encased in a safety bubble the more our minds are hindered and restricted when it comes to development.


I'm rather confident this is why we have increasing numbers of adults who still act like children and end up living with their parents well into their 40's! Just my theory but you gotta admit,it holds weight! I'm not saying to let teens run rough-shod and wild with no supervision what so ever but it wouldn't hurt to acknowledge they're no longer "little kids" thus should be treated differently. That and I don't think the government should be able to place additional restrictions upon our romantic relationships after everyone is the age of consent. Some people have a fetish for older lovers whereas others have a fetish for younger lovers. So long as its' legal it's no one's fucking business,least of all moral busy bodies and politicians on capital hill!



Posted by nightsavior - March 7th, 2019


The "Thot Patrol" meme reached top tier perfection when it was discovered certain online female twitch streamers of dubious practices were proudly gossiping about dodging their income taxes only to have a bunch of autists and gamers don their vigilante capes and "Bat-man" these shallow histrionic attention whores into lulz oblivion!

I have to admit it was a guilty pleasure! I mean who doesn't want to see the equivalent of the pretty mean girl meme from our high schools get reamed most savagely by the very same ostracized geeks and nerds we count as our brothers and sisters in solidarity? It's good wholesome fun I tell ya!

Of course "anything" loses its' luster after awhile. I confess ye olde thot-slayings have become so common place the honey-moon phase of me wanting a front row seat is long gone. Everything has a shtick and all shticks eventually become tired and old before they drop off the radar a bit only to gloriously rise like a phoenix as "retro cool" or "nostalgic" when they re-emerge years later! Below are just some musings and anecdotes I've noticed about the "thot slaying community" as of late as I play devil's advocate a bit and go after some of the patrollers for their own eccentric quirks and flaws!


Man's butt booteh warrior brotherhood

To "The man's butt booteh warriors" all female geeks are "thots" and all females should enter one big escape pod and exodus from the broader anime/comic book/video game mother-ship community that geeks and other social outcasts call home.

To be frank, I don't mind sausage-fests or weiner-roasts either so long as I'm in good company but I'm not quite so cynical and jaded I suspect any woman who cosplays or who has a twitch stream of being a thot. For the girl gamers that are actually good at games,put in the grind, and love "the lore", they certainly have my respect and are always welcome! (Me casa you casa,just don't be assholes or drama queens,aight?)

These dudes have obviously been hurt and I feel for them. I even understand "why" they're paranoid. How many attention whores come into decent communities and ruin the camaraderie and fun atmosphere with allegations and "me too" nonsense? Even if their accusations hold no real evidence, "the court of public opinion" can still ruin cons or other events. Afterwards at least one "social justice talking booth" gets installed into the auditorium, taking up precious space that could have hosted a gaming tournament or been a creative sanctuary for artists to showcase their latest works. That's how the infiltration always starts until everything is so cringe worthy "real gamers" and "real geeks" don't even attend anymore and it's all thots and their hipster cuck white knights taking up the seats!

Be that as it may,not every female geek is a succubus to purge by decree of the holy emperor. You all have to admit that while "man's butt" may look enticing in prison after desperation kicks in, the free world having the luxury of a few female fannies in the mix is a breath of fresh sweet air! (And a feast for the eyes!) Mmmmm! Mmmmm!


Coffer clanging thot slaying templars (Closet drama jiggalos)

The coffer clangers will preach to you about the wickedness of thottery all while hosting streams and having payment processors that give them copious amounts of cash. Instead of preying upon a man's lust, these dudes usually prey upon our desire for brotherhood and friendship with other guys who "understand" thus have been thru similar trials and tribulations that we ourselves have experienced.

Let me make it clear. I don't begrudge guys for voicing their frustrations about women and if their audience wants to give them money for handing out much needed red-pills that's 100% fine! "But" some of these online e-celebs that champion themselves as masculine mentors get to the point they lose their way. They start with the intention to give young men good advice yet it quickly goes from that to the ridiculous extremes of "internet blood-sports" where they end up picking on autistic kids, getting into fights with other content creators, and attacking women who are not actually engaging in true thottery.

Some people are so addicted to drama and conflict they will create it out of thin air and stir the pot when everything around them becomes calm and tranquil. Why? They need those shekels of course! (And the attention too.) What can I say? There are "drama whores" but also "drama jiggalos"!


Holy Roller Thot Mauler

As if thot-slaying wasn't enough, this bunch does it for piety and the holy trinity. Nothing says "born again" like bringing Jesus into the thot-bashing,amirite? Regardless, these acolytes of the sacred light will school you on how all things that portray women as "hawt and sexy" are as impure and naughty as Satan's foreskin! Hentai,ASMR,bouncy breast physics,and "sexy cosplay" are just as sinful as full-blown fornication of the flesh! Get ready crusaders because it's time we reclaimed the mother-land, praised the sun, and rammed balls deep up in Jerusalem!

I actually agree with Christians on many issues. There's nothing wrong with having faith or using a religion and following its' teachings to become a better person. I understand the appeal of having a church and community to fall back on when times get tough.

However, at least "some" Christians are "really bad" at the whole free-speech and "do as ye will so long as ye harm none" angle. At the end of the day I love my Heavy Metal, I draw erotica,I am proud of my hentai lewds folder,I'm a weeb, and need that special time of the day for my video-games! Violence and sexiness in our entertainment is not going to make us evil. If anything statistics and studies have proven "healthy outlets" in the form of fantasy escapism tend to reduce criminal activity and sexual deviancy. The last thing I want to tolerate is another evangelical endorsed "Satanic-Panic" hell-bent on taking all my stuff away!

PS: Mary Magdalene was a whore and Jesus still loved her and forgave her! Just saying! Might want to take in more of that "new testament" my homies!


My own mindset on thottery

We all agree the worst aspect of thottery is it tends to take advantage of vulnerable young men going thru puberty. And yet these guys have free-will and in the land of opportunity they can spend their hard earned money on whatever they want. Keep in mind "Being vulnerable" or "Being susceptible" to something doesn't mean being "completely powerless". If a sexy vampire chick is hovering in front of your window late one night you still "choose" to let her in or make her stay outside. You don't have to open your window. How that scenario plays out is still up to you. We speak all the time about women needing to be accountable for their own actions yet accountability applies to men too. Yeah, we have "yearnings" but we're not beholden to act on them like mere beasts. No one has to drop $100.00 into some 16 year old twitch streamer's pay-pal just because she looks cute wearing fake elf ears whilst making orgasm faces!

To the ladies? Ey, I understand. Getting paid for displaying a boob window or twerking your tushy isn't as dangerous as street walking. Men get off and you get paid without even risking pregnancy, a jaw breaking backhand from a paranoid pimp, or unwanted stds. Risk acessment wise being a thot is safe. However,the top 20% of men you're after won't be impressed by any of that. To them it's "old hat" and "flash with no substance". Even wealthy chads want a signficant other with some actual depth of personality and "life skills" beyond applying eye liner or bending a spine at awkward angles! Do you want your legacy to be "pretty e-thot" up until you hit the wall and have "nothing else" to define you as a human being? I mean you could be ANYTHING yet you've choosen just to be a slab of meat horny young guys fap to. How fucking tragic! Nah, I'm not trying to slut-shame ya'll. But there is more to us living and existing than merely being embodiments of raw lust. Certainly sexuality is apart of us but it's just one layer in a thousand other layers! If you take anything away from what I'm saying please,explore your own depths. You might surprise yourselves and actually become good women to attract good men!

Fellas? If you can't clutch it,grab it,reverse park it,and triple slam it then you shouldn't friggin BUY it! Look,there is a "wonderful world" of illustrated erotica and FREE SMUT on the internet already! Maybe you think you're not "good enough" or maybe you are shy but even then "try" to take care of yourselves and use your money and resources to "build something" you can be proud of!

Okay, I'm done........bloop!


Posted by nightsavior - March 2nd, 2019

50's Trad Romanticists: Still trying to take our popcorn and circuses!

Philosophy: Everything was perfect during the 1950's but the boomers ruined it.

Where we agree:

The 1950's was indeed a nice time. Employment was high and it seemed like families were more prone to stick together whether they were middle class,rich,or poor. Resources seemed more plentiful and the educational system actually taught real trades and real skills needed to survive in the real world. (Imagine that!)

Did the boomers "ruin utopia"?:

I'm not entirely sure but I know harmful ideologies like Marxism and "social justice" were introduced to the hippy "peace and love" movement at a time many kids were having their heads popped with experimental drugs and sex parties. Then again, many boomers later became "more conservative" as the left radicalized itself, moving goal posts several times as to what they actually stood for. As much as newer embittered generations whine about "boomers ruining everything" the boomers seemed to be victims themselves,unknowingly partaking in one giant social engineering experiment promoted by the CIA (The ones often introducing mind altering substances to the youth incognito) and other shadowy organizations.

True observations into the boomers would reveal only a few of them remained apart of the sex,drugs,and rock n roll counter culture but many more traded in their bell bottoms and tie-dyed t-shirts for blue collars and business suits. Like most generations, they had their indulgent "wild phase" as teens and young 20 somethings but became more frugal,responsible, and conscientious as adults.

Was Sex,drugs and rock n roll entirely "bad"? :

I confess I love much music from that era! Everything from Led Zeplin to The Beatles, Rolling Stones,Jethro Tull,Pink Floyd, and King Crimson. I don't always agree with "the message" in songs from the 60's and 70's (John Lennon's "Imagine" is well meaning but very naive and even a tad pretentious) but Rock N Roll of that flavor was a kindred spirit to my favorite musical genre of all time. (Heavy Metal) I tended to like the more melancholic and depressing yet at times cheerfully chaotic music about pot smoking wizards,road trips with friends,dealing with depression,feeling akin to a wayward outsider,adventuring into mystic forest groves,and making love. Despite being created at a time of radicals,not every song back then preached to you like some lunatic Marxist college professor. Many lyrics were simply about daily life, mind tripping, or having fun. Matter fact, very little of Rock N Roll is about "muh opresshuns" or "muh privilege". The closest you get to that is Jimmy Hendrix worrying about the fuzz taking his weed away and just wanting to be left alone! (Fair enough!)

As for the drugs? I'm very straight-edge but I try not to begrudge others for their vices if they can keep in control of themselves. Perhaps the only "good thing" that came from drugs was it broke down barriers between different people,allowing us to realize while we are unique we are also much the same. This probably sparked both the concepts of "free love" and "continued civil rights activism".

Trad romanticists may argue with me but I do believe some good came out of both these things. Admittedly some civil rights put into place were just common sense and the free love movement finally made us confront the fact "being gay" was an actual thing. Perhaps it was about time we realized "not everyone" fit the "traditional 50's family mold" and not everyone was a golly gee willickers hetero normie. Sadly practices like "swinging" (multiple lovers) would also spiral into the AIDs epidemic later on which REALLY exploded onto the scene during the 80's. (Despite attempts to subvert it and cover it up. The Reagan administration did not exactly do a "good job" on this particular issue.)

Yeah, I get some folks think that AIDs is God punishing homosexuals but to me it's just one of many spread epidemics we've had to deal with and overcome. Additionally some of the worst viruses and diseases ever spread were from migration,interacting with certain animals,mold in our grains,questionable drinking water,insect bites,or unsanitary working conditions,not from men having sex with other men. It's just we came up with cures for those thus we don't obsess about them as much anymore. Eventually AIDs will be stopped with just another vaccination shot.

Certainly gayness does not create offspring to further propagate our species yet there are times the world is over populated and does not need more children. Maybe increased homosexuality is just nature's way of dealing with civilizations that have exceeded a certain number and are using up too many natural resources. Regardless I don't think anyone chooses gayness anymore than I chose to be straight. I simply knew I was attracted to girls during puberty and that was it. It's the same for gay people except they feel that way towards the same gender. ("True" gays anyway. There are also "trenders" who pretend to be gay,bi,or trans just for sympathy points or to feel special. Yeah,those idiots can fuck right off!)

The biggest problem I see with all this was it promoted promiscuity. You would think as a pervert I'd "love" a freer attitude concerning sex but no, I did not want it to come at the expense of the family unit nor for men and women to end up hating each other, living their lives as lonely spinsters and hermits once they hit the wall. People began chasing "the here and the now" for that exciting dopamine rush but became afraid to commit to anything long term. Worse, feminists turned the family courts against men as divorce became an almost en vogue (popular) thing to do....

The Jew factor

It is historically documented some of the Jews we saved during World-War 2 were from the Frankfurt school of Marxism and rather than being "entirely grateful" to us they did in fact disagree with the American way of life thus tried to reshape our culture thru our media, universities, and entertainment. In addition George Soros has been proven to push his globalist agenda whilst hiring terrorist cells of activists to attempt to turn 1st and 2nd world societies into third world hovels via suicidal "open borders" policies. No, I'm not "racist" but I'm a realist who understands certain cultures are too radically different to get along and that a flood of unchecked and non-vetted immigrants would not be good for our economy or our way of life. (Being a strain on our limited resources to boot)

Does this mean "all Jews" are evil? No, of course not! I'd say it's just a group of wealthy opulent Jewish families with control over influential banks and a portion of the mainstream media that are the problem but there are Jews outside that den of inequity that honestly just want to live and have no rat in that race. I find propaganda that paints all Jews as entirely "evil" just as foolhardy and preposterous as propaganda that paints all Jews as entirely "good".

The pending questions seems to be if everything from the 60's onward was some sort of shekel-merchant construct designed specifically to subjugate and destroy the goy! Personally I don't think so. Teenagers "always" rebel and people want to have fun. Humans are decadent by design. I'm sure certain "kosher ventures into business" took advantage of this but simultaneously I believe White nationalists give Jews way too much credit for rerouting our culture as if every last little detail,reference, and decision is Jew approved. Eventually you have to ask yourself why a people so good at making and managing money would prefer Marxism over capitalism in the first place. (Beyond a few straggling outsiders who romanticized Karl Marx for whatever reason.)

In the end?

Half the civil rights enacted were much needed reforms and the "purple haze dayz" inspired many memorable songs,pieces of literature,art,and fun events whilst helping bring us together but simultaneously we saw an erosion of family values,corrupt attempts at social engineering slipping into our college universities, and the further stirrings of the gender wars.

The thing that grinds my gears about the Trad Romanticist movement is while you can agree with them on many of these points they also simultaneously come off as those "anti-fun" Satanic Panic Evangelicals who somehow believe "anything" from this era is some sort of Marxist or Zionist Jew construct and utterly evil by design. Aka yes, these assholes are after your video-games,hentai,music,and porn! They just have "different reasons" for wanting to censor your entertainment compared to the nutty anti-Trump regressive lefties!

The truth: Not everyone can afford that nostalgic 1950's lifestyle:

I don't want to be a gloomy gus but we can never go back to the 1950's, at least not right away. the 1950's was a time when one man's salary and the proper budget strategies could effectively pay for a two story house,automobile,and a nice yard. Remember, when women hit the work force en mass "everyone" got a pay cut. Additionally whereas old companies were somehow beholden to value their employees and to keep them on until they received their benefits and retirement, today's mega corporations are more than happy to let employees go at a lightning fast rate just to cut edges and save their own money. Additionally today's public education system has failed our youth,more concerned with indoctrinating them to be leftist ideologues than to actually teach them valuable lessons. This means when they hit the work force they are lacking in experience which is why some businesses hire other people overseas.

Trad romanticists like to post things like "You should get married" or "Pull yourself up by the bootstraps and get a higher paying job!" but the truth is even if you do these things you are not playing by the rules of 1950's America anymore. Even if your wife claims to be a "good christian woman and a house-wife" she can still divorce you without any risk to herself. If anything, she could gain "more" monetarily from such a betrayal. Want a nice home "without" your wife or gf pulling in their own income? Get ready to work two or three jobs knowing the harsh reality you could be laid off from any one of them at any moment! Hey, some guys can do that but of my friends I know who do, they don't have time for much else.

Of course this could be gradually turned around. New rules could be put in place to penalize couples who divorce over petty reasons and even petty lawyers who encourage break ups merely for their own financial gain. New laws could be enacted to ensure teachers teach facts "objectively"and that any extremism encouraged by "a mentor of the youth" to create radicals with Anti-American sentiments will be immediately snuffed out and the person espousing those harmful ideals will be fired on the spot. Additionally we need to declare a tech war on silicon valley as since they create most of the social applications we use on the internet they also get to infringe upon our free speech and halt our flow of income if they put pressure on payment processors and advertisers. (Perhaps it's time the south had its' own silicon valley so to speak.) This is "a lot" that needs to be fixed and Gen Z may very well be middle aged or be seniors before it all comes together.

"Regardless" in the meantime most of us cannot afford a nice house and many reputation-concious women are not willing to marry men who are disabled or who live on a lower income. Wonderful exceptions to that general consensus exist "but" let's be pragmatic. Many women today want it all and are hypagamous. That means if they can swing over to the next guy who has more money and who is better looking they probably will if given the chance! Sorry, but most intelligent men are not going to "break their backs" and put all their eggs in one basket if they get an unfair deal and are the ones taking all the risks. Even "wealth" does not protect men from divorce court and losing their children. If rich chads are not bullet-proof you better believe the average joe is not either!

My point?

Learn from this Gen Z! Don't take away the popcorn and circuses from those of us who for whatever reason have to live on the abnormal fringes. The left wants to put burkas on my hawt video game women "because muh sexism". Meanwhile certain people on the right argue "drawn lolis" and certain kinds of entertainment encourage degeneracy though it has been proven in constant studies having access to "fantasy escapism" be it violent or pornographic decreases overall criminal activity. Hey, I'm with ya on everything else but I'm SICK AND TIRED of idiots from both political aisles trying to take away my shit! "What about the children" you say?! Fine,focus on stopping REAL child predators and REAL child grooming gangs instead of banning friggin anime or any fiction involving a teen/child under the age of 18. Tackle the "real issues" instead of chasing the specter of harmless imaginary material you just happen not to like! Don't become the regressive morons you meme relentlessly,capache?


Posted by nightsavior - February 13th, 2019

I grew up in a broken home. My mom committed suicide when I was around 3 and my father and brothers all had problems with drug and alcohol abuse to various degrees. In retrospect I wish I had found more common ground with my father but he was a blue collar carpentry type fella and I liked to draw illustrations all day. If there's one thing I'll give my pop it is that I think his choice in hobbies was far more useful in the life skills department than my own but we tend to like what we like with no exceptions or compromises. I simply never got into any "manly man pursuits" beyond a bit of martial arts and some landscaping and volunatary fire-fighter work (Don't be impressed with the voluntary fire fighter shtick, I passed the physical but only got to go out for one fire. lol.) once I was older and worked at job corps. Between those years I also visited my fair share of mental wards due to depression, self harm, and not knowing how to "fit in" with other teenagers.

To this day I'm limited by poverty and my disabled status. With government assistance I can afford rent,food,an electric bill,other utilities,and even a bit of entertainment on the side but if you looked at me you'd probably still be able to tell I'm from "that" part of town. When the prices at a Good-Will are nice and cheap,whose to say hand me downs cannot be sheik? (Thumbs up)

If there's anyone that should have a grudge against America it is probably me. I'm one of the "little people" who the elites would hold up as a martyr or a "victim of the system" but if things for me were truly that bad I certainly wouldn't be communicating with you right now. (I'd be living under a bridge eating rats out of desperation instead.)

America is one of the few places you can have a check of just over $700.00 a month and miraculously "live okay" with the assistance of HUD or section 8 and just a bit of EBT food stamp money on the side. It's also one of the few places you can start out homeless (Like I was shortly after college) and find yourself some housing so long as you're not abusing substances or making overly stupid decisions. (Heck, sometimes you can even find housing in spite of those things but I digress.)

In addition to that here are some other things I believe we should all keep in mind

+Historically human beings have all been terrible to each other. Don't believe any revisionist history that tries to blame one particular race for all the world's ills. Every culture has brought about good things and bad things. Even white people have their own history of hardships and not being "top dog". Just study what it was like for the slavs under muslim occupation or how the irish were treated by others indigenous to the English and American populations. Even right now white farmers are getting attacked and murdered in South Africa.

This is not to say white people did not do bad things either but education today seems to omit the atrocities other races did. Additionally the accomplishments of other races are praised while the accomplishments of whites go unspoken. Say what you will but we made many breakthrus in technology and medicine that save lives and contribute to better living standards to this very day.

As for Native Americans? They had their own tribal wars and struggles over land,resources,and women before we even came. They were not simply a peaceful collective besieged by a bunch of nasty meanie white settlers!

If you think I'm trying to argue "white man superior" you are missing the point. White people are not perfect but neither are people from any other ethnic group. If other races are allowed to have pride without shame then that same privilege should be granted to Caucasians as well.

+Shaming people over their gender and race is lunacy. None of us get to choose our skin color or gender when we are born so this weird "culture war" targeting men and white people in particular never sat well with me. It's no better than discriminating against women or any other ethnic heritage. Noone should "owe reparations" for events in the past they had no control over. "Guilt,shame,and atonement" are not collectively passed down. We do not inherit the sins of others. Rather we should be weighed and judged for our own actions as individuals.

+ I'll be the first to admit capitalism's "current state" of big mega corporations buying up more and more smaller companies without restraint is not a perfect system but when I stop and ponder how I live now compared to how I'd be living in a place similar to Venezuela that makes me grateful to be American real friggin fast!

+ I "like" free speech and I rather innocent people be able to protect themselves with fire arms even with the caveat being my mother killed herself with a gun. I cannot own a gun because of my mental illness but I hold no ill will or jealousy towards regular law abiding gun owners. More power to them I say!

+ Those who riot and destroy only know how to riot and destroy. They'll tell you they hate America but ask them if they have an in depth plan of how they'd "rebuild civilization" after destroying our current infrastructure and not a one of them will be able to give you an intelligent answer.

+Offensive speech should be allowed. Let's be honest, the sexist and racist jokes are the funniest ones! A person can post Anti-Semetic memes without being Anti-Semetic or put up signs saying "It's okay to be white" without being white supremacists. Sure enough, sometimes you will encounter a generally racist or sexist person but before you justify hurting them or calling them evil remember said individual might be a good person with a twisted perception because of some really messed up life experiences. Make the attempt to be kind at first and never resort to violence unless it is necessary for your survival and that of your loved ones. Regardless, "comedy" is effective because it gives us the power to laugh at things that would normally bother us or we'd be afraid of discussing. Comedy cannot thrive when it's not allowed to push boundaries. Mel Brooks knew this when he dressed up like Hitler and did a musical number about becoming a nazi. So did Dave Chapelle when he did a skit about being a black and blind klansman!

+Be ever aware of the saying "Then they came for me". Perhaps you're not into anime so you really do not care when activists try to censor or outright remove Japanese animation. Perhaps you're not into comic books so a bunch of radicals using that form of entertainment to push their own agendas whilst they shame and silence the rebelling fanbase is not front and center. Heck, maybe you even agree all forms of erotica are "disgusting" and are only for sexual deviants. BUT eventually they will come for something YOU enjoy. Just give it time.....(This is why fighting for freedom of speech and freedom of expression is so important.)



Posted by nightsavior - January 10th, 2019

Just wanted to say hello! I'm sure most of you at least heard of the tumblr kinky art purge all lumped under the convenient Trojan Horse of battling CP ,sex trafficking,and other terrible things that have more to do with victimizing "real people" than they do with drawing on a piece of paper where the worst that can happen is someone is made "mildly uncomfortable" by the subject matter the artist is expressing. (At which point they can just walk away or unsubscribe!)

While I'm not apart of the tumblr exodus it did make me think of places I could go where erotic art is not outright rejected and shunned. Needless to say, years ago I was more of a regular here but it was mainly for the flash animations than it was for the art community. On one hand it's sad I never put down roots and got on friendly terms with other artists but then again on the other hand, my "art" back then was a terrible eye sore anyway so I probably would have gotten my fee fees hurt by overly negative feedback and would have acted out like an emo-weeb.

Not that my art is "all that and a bag of chips" today but I at least feel as if I have a place to post it without suddenly finding myself cast out into the void. Even if I never get many decent ratings or responses, it's nice looking at what other artists put up too and there's at least a semblence of belonging. If anything, it's good to see Newgrounds has stuck to its' guns over the years. Truly one of the few artistic havens that has not "sold out" and that saying a lot in these dark times...