The "Thot Patrol" meme reached top tier perfection when it was discovered certain online female twitch streamers of dubious practices were proudly gossiping about dodging their income taxes only to have a bunch of autists and gamers don their vigilante capes and "Bat-man" these shallow histrionic attention whores into lulz oblivion!
I have to admit it was a guilty pleasure! I mean who doesn't want to see the equivalent of the pretty mean girl meme from our high schools get reamed most savagely by the very same ostracized geeks and nerds we count as our brothers and sisters in solidarity? It's good wholesome fun I tell ya!
Of course "anything" loses its' luster after awhile. I confess ye olde thot-slayings have become so common place the honey-moon phase of me wanting a front row seat is long gone. Everything has a shtick and all shticks eventually become tired and old before they drop off the radar a bit only to gloriously rise like a phoenix as "retro cool" or "nostalgic" when they re-emerge years later! Below are just some musings and anecdotes I've noticed about the "thot slaying community" as of late as I play devil's advocate a bit and go after some of the patrollers for their own eccentric quirks and flaws!
Man's butt booteh warrior brotherhood
To "The man's butt booteh warriors" all female geeks are "thots" and all females should enter one big escape pod and exodus from the broader anime/comic book/video game mother-ship community that geeks and other social outcasts call home.
To be frank, I don't mind sausage-fests or weiner-roasts either so long as I'm in good company but I'm not quite so cynical and jaded I suspect any woman who cosplays or who has a twitch stream of being a thot. For the girl gamers that are actually good at games,put in the grind, and love "the lore", they certainly have my respect and are always welcome! (Me casa you casa,just don't be assholes or drama queens,aight?)
These dudes have obviously been hurt and I feel for them. I even understand "why" they're paranoid. How many attention whores come into decent communities and ruin the camaraderie and fun atmosphere with allegations and "me too" nonsense? Even if their accusations hold no real evidence, "the court of public opinion" can still ruin cons or other events. Afterwards at least one "social justice talking booth" gets installed into the auditorium, taking up precious space that could have hosted a gaming tournament or been a creative sanctuary for artists to showcase their latest works. That's how the infiltration always starts until everything is so cringe worthy "real gamers" and "real geeks" don't even attend anymore and it's all thots and their hipster cuck white knights taking up the seats!
Be that as it may,not every female geek is a succubus to purge by decree of the holy emperor. You all have to admit that while "man's butt" may look enticing in prison after desperation kicks in, the free world having the luxury of a few female fannies in the mix is a breath of fresh sweet air! (And a feast for the eyes!) Mmmmm! Mmmmm!
Coffer clanging thot slaying templars (Closet drama jiggalos)
The coffer clangers will preach to you about the wickedness of thottery all while hosting streams and having payment processors that give them copious amounts of cash. Instead of preying upon a man's lust, these dudes usually prey upon our desire for brotherhood and friendship with other guys who "understand" thus have been thru similar trials and tribulations that we ourselves have experienced.
Let me make it clear. I don't begrudge guys for voicing their frustrations about women and if their audience wants to give them money for handing out much needed red-pills that's 100% fine! "But" some of these online e-celebs that champion themselves as masculine mentors get to the point they lose their way. They start with the intention to give young men good advice yet it quickly goes from that to the ridiculous extremes of "internet blood-sports" where they end up picking on autistic kids, getting into fights with other content creators, and attacking women who are not actually engaging in true thottery.
Some people are so addicted to drama and conflict they will create it out of thin air and stir the pot when everything around them becomes calm and tranquil. Why? They need those shekels of course! (And the attention too.) What can I say? There are "drama whores" but also "drama jiggalos"!
Holy Roller Thot Mauler
As if thot-slaying wasn't enough, this bunch does it for piety and the holy trinity. Nothing says "born again" like bringing Jesus into the thot-bashing,amirite? Regardless, these acolytes of the sacred light will school you on how all things that portray women as "hawt and sexy" are as impure and naughty as Satan's foreskin! Hentai,ASMR,bouncy breast physics,and "sexy cosplay" are just as sinful as full-blown fornication of the flesh! Get ready crusaders because it's time we reclaimed the mother-land, praised the sun, and rammed balls deep up in Jerusalem!
I actually agree with Christians on many issues. There's nothing wrong with having faith or using a religion and following its' teachings to become a better person. I understand the appeal of having a church and community to fall back on when times get tough.
However, at least "some" Christians are "really bad" at the whole free-speech and "do as ye will so long as ye harm none" angle. At the end of the day I love my Heavy Metal, I draw erotica,I am proud of my hentai lewds folder,I'm a weeb, and need that special time of the day for my video-games! Violence and sexiness in our entertainment is not going to make us evil. If anything statistics and studies have proven "healthy outlets" in the form of fantasy escapism tend to reduce criminal activity and sexual deviancy. The last thing I want to tolerate is another evangelical endorsed "Satanic-Panic" hell-bent on taking all my stuff away!
PS: Mary Magdalene was a whore and Jesus still loved her and forgave her! Just saying! Might want to take in more of that "new testament" my homies!
My own mindset on thottery
We all agree the worst aspect of thottery is it tends to take advantage of vulnerable young men going thru puberty. And yet these guys have free-will and in the land of opportunity they can spend their hard earned money on whatever they want. Keep in mind "Being vulnerable" or "Being susceptible" to something doesn't mean being "completely powerless". If a sexy vampire chick is hovering in front of your window late one night you still "choose" to let her in or make her stay outside. You don't have to open your window. How that scenario plays out is still up to you. We speak all the time about women needing to be accountable for their own actions yet accountability applies to men too. Yeah, we have "yearnings" but we're not beholden to act on them like mere beasts. No one has to drop $100.00 into some 16 year old twitch streamer's pay-pal just because she looks cute wearing fake elf ears whilst making orgasm faces!
To the ladies? Ey, I understand. Getting paid for displaying a boob window or twerking your tushy isn't as dangerous as street walking. Men get off and you get paid without even risking pregnancy, a jaw breaking backhand from a paranoid pimp, or unwanted stds. Risk acessment wise being a thot is safe. However,the top 20% of men you're after won't be impressed by any of that. To them it's "old hat" and "flash with no substance". Even wealthy chads want a signficant other with some actual depth of personality and "life skills" beyond applying eye liner or bending a spine at awkward angles! Do you want your legacy to be "pretty e-thot" up until you hit the wall and have "nothing else" to define you as a human being? I mean you could be ANYTHING yet you've choosen just to be a slab of meat horny young guys fap to. How fucking tragic! Nah, I'm not trying to slut-shame ya'll. But there is more to us living and existing than merely being embodiments of raw lust. Certainly sexuality is apart of us but it's just one layer in a thousand other layers! If you take anything away from what I'm saying please,explore your own depths. You might surprise yourselves and actually become good women to attract good men!
Fellas? If you can't clutch it,grab it,reverse park it,and triple slam it then you shouldn't friggin BUY it! Look,there is a "wonderful world" of illustrated erotica and FREE SMUT on the internet already! Maybe you think you're not "good enough" or maybe you are shy but even then "try" to take care of yourselves and use your money and resources to "build something" you can be proud of!
Okay, I'm done........bloop!