Just wanted to say hello! I'm sure most of you at least heard of the tumblr kinky art purge all lumped under the convenient Trojan Horse of battling CP ,sex trafficking,and other terrible things that have more to do with victimizing "real people" than they do with drawing on a piece of paper where the worst that can happen is someone is made "mildly uncomfortable" by the subject matter the artist is expressing. (At which point they can just walk away or unsubscribe!)
While I'm not apart of the tumblr exodus it did make me think of places I could go where erotic art is not outright rejected and shunned. Needless to say, years ago I was more of a regular here but it was mainly for the flash animations than it was for the art community. On one hand it's sad I never put down roots and got on friendly terms with other artists but then again on the other hand, my "art" back then was a terrible eye sore anyway so I probably would have gotten my fee fees hurt by overly negative feedback and would have acted out like an emo-weeb.
Not that my art is "all that and a bag of chips" today but I at least feel as if I have a place to post it without suddenly finding myself cast out into the void. Even if I never get many decent ratings or responses, it's nice looking at what other artists put up too and there's at least a semblence of belonging. If anything, it's good to see Newgrounds has stuck to its' guns over the years. Truly one of the few artistic havens that has not "sold out" and that saying a lot in these dark times...