Two creators doxed or attempted to be doxed back to back. First we have Gooseworx whom was outed as trans. I could kinda tell by the inflection of her voice during an interview but the point is some sensitive information got out there against her consent and her privacy was egregiously infringed. Next up we have the developer of "The Coffin Of Andy and Ley-Ley" leaving the internet because the "No-Fun-Zoners" were attempting to ruin her as well. I also have to add Dischord-mod bullying to the pile as fans of Little Witch Nobeta were also targeted and forced to vacate their original chat server. Even people whom just lurked there but never posted anything got a veiled threat in "Polite corpo speak".
I don't know about you but this depresses me. These young adults obviously robbed of their best years by the lock downs are now trying to attack "indie creators" just getting started with their small-time successes. I want to tell these upstart thin-skinned little bastards that their ire should be directed at the government and big pharma for fucking up every aspect of their lives. Whether it is expensive gas,over inflated food prices,not being able to afford an actual house, or crime left to run rampant in big cities NONE OF THAT has to do with the folks in the first paragraph I just mentioned. If anything I hypothesize some of them started these projects out of boredom,frustration,and strained financial straits to hopefully get by.
I've seen commentators take pock-shots at Disney movies and movies by Warner Bros too. But those are megalithic super brands given funding by outside donators,share holders,and advertisers. They are inwrapped in so many layers of protection Mickey's lawyers would come to your apartment with flame-throwers if you tried to dox sensitive top secret stuff about Kathleen Kennedy or Bob Iger. But imagine being a "silly little guy" or "silly little gal" living in your "silly little hovel" with no big-time connections. You finally create your magnum opus. It does great for awhile. But then a buncha self appointed witch hunters barely old enough to be out of their diapers go after you with the fervor of the knights templar being told their is another holy crusade! This is why we cannot have nice things ya'll.
On Newgrounds I can count my followers on my fingers. I get maybe 5 likes or "5 votes" on a good day and hey,I'm grateful for it! I was once just a little bigger because I got scouted by someone. Then that someone left so I was cast back into the pit of obscurity. Given recent events I'm glad nothing I created attained any semblance of recognition or fame either as being "genuinely liked" or "infamous lol-cow-material".
There are too many people out there that try to make everything "political" and "personal" so if your beliefs or ideas cut against the grain in any way they will come after you. (Whilst still being too cowardly to riot outside the headquarters of Disney,Fox,or Warner bros. because those little shits know what would happen if they did!)
"Ben, didn't this happen before"? You ask. Yes. Multiple times. Remember the hub bub that happened to the creator whom created the FNAF franchise? He was run off just for being Christian and reputedly liking Trump. None of that would be apparent for awhile because he never put his political leanings into his games. After all FNAF is about scary animatronic restaurant mascots coming after you in the dark,not about who you are going to vote for in the upcoming election! There are other small-time creators whom got the shaft as well but this post is running long in the tooth already.
In parting......
Fuck corpos
Fuck government goons
Fuck miserable pipsqueak haters masquerading as "fans" and "followers......
The whole online creative space needs an enema!