So,there's a straight pride parade happening. Let's be honest. "Any" pride parade is just an excuse for people who have something in common to meet and greet each other! I wish I could make a holy religion or public celebration out of sticking my cock in the butts of attractive goth wenches but at the end of the day my sexual preferences are simply how I'm encoded via biology, fetishes ingrained into my brain that started out as reactions to erotic stimuli, and chemical/hormonal balances. It's nothing to be "proud" of. Likewise your skin color and gender "simply are". How can you be "proud" of things you did not even pick out for yourself? You're simply given a meat-car with random features and have to make the best of it regardless! Any "pride stickers" you slap on your random meat-car are just platitudes to comfort yourself. That's it. ( Of course it's appropriate to feel pride on occasion but only for things you accomplish thru your own trials and labors.)