Suggestion: Read the lore page first!
Fractions and important events
UNITY: Splinter-sect of the Red-Cross hunters, they are new executioners who believe supernaturals create negative anomalies and plunge the world into chaos merely by existing. Unity acolytes tend to be atheists, expressing a zealous dedication for what they perceive as “collectivist justice”.
They have a strong hatred for gamers due to an extremely high percentage of gamers actually being sleep-walkers. (Supernaturals who have not experienced a triggered awakening just yet)
Perceiving themselves as “uber progressive” Unity members also harbor contempt for Purity, the red-cross’s more traditional and religious sub-sect.
Tending to consider doll-making (necromancy) as “old hat” Unity prefers to augment its’ hunters with cybernetics and genetic alterations. Some unity members are even supernaturals who have been duped into seeing their own kind as the enemy.
Unity believes the purge of supernaturals will be the death of the old world of superstitions and witchcraft. From those ashes a eugenic united scientific utopia can be created.
PURITY: Considered “out-dated and frigid” Purity none the less still has a rather impressive power-base. It’s members are very religious and bringing “supernaturals” into their ranks is considered a grave violation and breech of their staunchest of protocols.
Purity members use their knowledge of doll-making (necromancy) to create powerful undead servants called homunculi and occasionally to even enhance their own abilities.
Whereas Unity congregates at “scheduled conventions” Purity prefers the sacred walls of cathedrals and churches. (As they are hold-overs of the Red-Cross's more traditional values.)
S.O.U.L. : (Supernatural Outreach Unified League) Named after the popular game franchise “Soulmorphisis”, Soul is a rag-tag underground resistance dedicated to protecting and hiding supernaturals from those who would do them harm.
The group was started after Unity and Purity both became more aggressive.
Soul’s main base is Elysium, a parallel realm that exists just outside of mundane reality. Certain special arcade cabinets can be used to travel between our realm and the Elysian realm.
SILVER-CROSS: Despite being as religious as the red-cross, silver-cross members are egalitarians, trying to keep peace among both humans and super-naturals simultaneously.
It was the first silver-cross pope who ended the hundred year war between norrmals and supers. Silver-cross followers tend to be kindhearted and generous to all innocent people in need, even those whom do not share their own beliefs.
Whereas Unity and Purity are very loosely allied by their overall disdain for supernaturals, The silver-cross and SOUL are aligned by their like minded pursuit of tolerance, equality, and freedom.
Yet even with The silver-cross’s best intentions some supernaturals hold a grudge against them because of The Veil. Though The Veil was created to hide supernaturals from the prying eyes of normals with the goal of ending persecution, it also greatly restricted their powers, leaving supers vulnerable against hunters who can still somehow sense their presence…
RED CROSS: Originally "the red cross" (Sometimes known as the red hand) were the remnants left over from the So'Jin order who served Adam even after he became possessed by Jehovah thru the dark gem. Many believe it was this fraction that started the roots of the Abrahamic religions though later there would be arguments between these So'Jin as to which belief understood "God's will" with more clarity.
The Red Cross was united in its' fear and hatred of magic users, chi users, and supernaturals. Muslims, Christians, and Jewish Zionists all wished to "purify the filth" though they would often declare war on each other whenever there was the opportunity to acquire more land and resources.
However a younger generation in the mosques and churches began sympathizing with supernaturals as they realized their enemies had emotions,hopes,fears,and aspirations the same as pure blooded humans and averials (angels) did. Under Pope Christoph and the shia Sultan Azeer's kinder rule, the silver cross (Known as the silver crescent in the middle east) was formed and dedicated itself to ending the bloodshed against the supernatural people. (The silver cross also found hidden scrolls of All-father Keldor's true teachings and thus now saw him as "the true messiah" instead of Jehovah)
No longer perceived as "the hand of god's judgement" the red-cross were usurped of their power and scattered to the wind. However, their knowledge of high technology,alchemy, and necromancy would ensure they continued to remain a threat well into the modern day.
When Jehovah's advisor Daedalus realized the red cross was losing membership as religion became less popular compared to atheism, he suggested that Jehovah create a new order under a new ideology which none the less held the same goals and encouraged the same zealous fanaticism. This was how "UNITY" came about.....
HAZAAD: The Hazaad were So'Jin who defected from Adam's ranks and swore allegiance to Lilith after he became corrupted. Their greatest hero Enoch (One of Adam's very own sons) was able to defeat his father in a duel and save Lilith from Jehovah's clutches. However, the war between warring So'Jin disturbed the natural life flow of the planet so much Pangea was torn apart into smaller continents due to the aftermath of cataclysmic seismic activity.
Whereas the red-cross went on to influence and create the Abrahamic religions, The Hazaad gave rise to other beliefs which often focused on inner enlightenment,channeling chi, the worship of many deities, and the harmonious trinity between man,woman,and nature.
The remaining Hazaad are on peaceful terms with the silver cross but still abhor the red-cross.
LOKI: Network of trolls and hackers who use the internet to organize events and keep in touch. They do everything from humorous pranks to online vigilantism. Many are disenfranchised youth and "old timers" disenchanted with the present state of authoritarianism. LOKI wages a constant war against political correctness and censorship.
THE BUREAU: The elusive "men in black",they are spooks in suits who handle the government's dirty laundry whist also dealing with supernatural and extraterrestrial threats to security.
Dark-horse: Dark-horse is "the protagonists" whom have formed a supernatural investigative guild to pretty much prevent a foreclosure on the O'Sheely manor. While the group starts out humble by merely looking into ghost haunts and creature sightings,eventually they are forced into confrontations with Unity,Purity,and even the covenant of supernaturals. The name "Dark-horse" was chosen because it represents something mundane and normal (a horse) yet simultaneously something mysterious,unknown,unseen, fantastical and otherworldly.(Dark)
NIGHTLIGHT: When George Mackleigh first defected from the red-cross hunters guild he was apart of, he wanted to create a group of homunculi to actually protect good supernaturals whilst weeding out and slaying the bad ones. The name of the group was going to be christened "nightlight" and it's pretty much a given Robby,Nathan, and Deidre were being trained as night light's first agents. However, when Betty's scheme messes with the memories of the residents in Gutterdelve, George and his wards are given more adversarial "false recollections" of dealing with the other characters making them believe they are still loyal to the red-cross with their sole purpose being to hunt down and eliminate all supernaturals. However, Betty's plans to initially "mentally reprogram" the town and her very own family backfire when it is discovered she not only manipulated everyone's memories but she's also been in league with Daedalus for many decades (And it was Daedalus's suggestion that she marry George and report back to him on his ex apprentice's various projects and experiments.)
COVENANT OF SUPERNATURALS: Mistreated and misunderstood for thousands of years, it's understandable why certain supernaturals would have extra large chips on their shoulders from all the abuse carried out by prejudiced "normies". Unfortunately not every supernatural resolves this by seeing a therapist! Some of them outright take their rage out on humanity,literally declaring a war on mankind.
The origins of "the covenant" date back to the elf-king Oberon who had united many of the supernaturals against the churches of Europe. It was a dark time of suffering for supers as many of them were burnt at the stake as witches,hunted and paraded as trophies, and even gang raped by soldiers if they so happened to have an unnatural allure of fey beauty. Oberon took advantage of this,offering sanctuary to his own while giving supernaturals a chance for revenge.
However,as the war dragged on Oberon became "insane". Many began to see the true madness behind his cracking charismatic facade and thus they left the covenant to create their own fractions. What Oberon ordered to be done to the humans was so perverse,cruel,and genocidal a large contingency of his own troops defected,unable to partake in
the worst of atrocities they were told to carry out.
One of these 'covenant turn-coats" by the name of Lachesis was able to have a peaceful talk with Christoph. The young beautiful sorceress and the kindhearted pope were able to end the war with the help of the silver-cross. Shortly thereafter 'The Veil was put in place to create the illusion both humans and supers were one and the same.
Yet even centuries later into modern times there are rumors the covenant lives again and is reorganizing itself under a new overlord...
SO'JIN: The most ancient order of Edenites, So'jin believed in "the flow" (a current of soul energy that connects all living things) and declared themselves enemies of "the hubris". (name given to the negativity that suppresses the flow as it causes stagnation,suffering,destruction,and decay.
Whereas the silver-cross and red cross developed advanced technologies based upon the knowledge given to them by the pieces of Vulcan's hammer,So'jin preferred the use of chi energy, magic,martial arts and psychic powers.
The most iconic features of the so'jin were their "soul armor" and "soul weapons". Though a so'jin's weapons and armors were made of normal materials at first, as they would chip away and take damage those holes and cracks would be substituted and filled in with eerily glowing "spiritual essence". Thus the so'jin who had seen the most combat would end up encompassed in armor and wielding weapons formed entirely of their own mystic life forces, reshaped via use of will power, devotion,faith,chakras,and imagination.
Today the numbers of the so'jin are very few though a few secret cabals and hidden temples still remain.
Magi-tool: A cylindrical object edenites used to channel and shape their magic or psychic energy into various tools made of raw energy. Slang for a magi-tool is a "wand". Less experienced So'Jin would also use magi-tools as conduits to form energy based weapons but these tended to be less effective than a more experienced so'jin's "soul" based armaments.
Area 52: Underground facility that supported experiments that would be considered unconventional" or "inhumane" by the Geneva convention. Not only did Area 52 support the creation of futuristic weaponry, war-bots, security AI, and bio-weapons but it was also known to gather research from captured supernaturals and captured extraterrestrials. Eventually Area 52 was dismantled after a raid conducted by the FBI under Roy Ferguson.
Grim-hold: Island fortress prison Daedalus created as a "rehabilitation camp" for people with political views opposite to his own,hackers against his globalist regime, or supernaturals at large. As you may have guessed, cruel experimentation, psychological torture,sleeper-agent indoctrination, and death via firing squad were normal procedures there. After The Great Synchronization,the prisoners riot and are eventually returned to their homes by the national guard. (After-all, most "political prisoners" are merely innocent people being contained for controversial opinions or information that could be harmful to the current narrative. Aka,"anyone" opposed to Daedalus's tyranny and his ideology whom simultaneously know many of his dirtiest secrets.)
Geo-Don: Geo-Don (Or Geodon) is a global conglomerate that masquerades as a pharmaceutical company whilst conducting research into paranormal activity,military technology,cross dimensional travel, and the creation of more powerful bio-weapons that can effectively be used against supernaturals. One of their biggest blunders was creating a "health supplement energy drink"(Branded simply as "The Juice") that literally turned some people into flesh eating zombies. (Yes,they share a lot in common with Umbrella but Umbrella does not exist within Gutter-Delve's particular reality!) Geo-Don's symbol is two cupped hands gently holding the planet earth. It is considered one of Daedalus's most prized business ventures.
Whimsy Studios: Started by chain smoking animation guru Jacky Duval, Whimsy studios eventually became an entertainment power-house and is responsible for many of today's best movies and cartoon series.However, at some point is was "bought out" by Geo-Don and at present is merely a way to generate a lot of money whilst syphoning additional funds into Geodon's more questionable experiments. Since this unholy merger the once beloved shows and characters have been turned into "propaganda machines" and mouthpieces for Daedalus and his elite underlings. There are rumors certain theme parks apart of the Whimsy studios brand have "secret underground lairs" which are the equvilent of "wrong-think detainment facilities" and mad scientist laboratories. For now based on current intel this can neither be confirmed or denied.
Pantheon: Cultists who use their collective wills to bend reality to their whims and to create their own living gods and goddesses by subjecting certain gifted people (Usually supernaturals) to painful near death rituals whilst binding them with bloody sacraments etched into their flesh to make them loyal to the "hive-mind" of the group. In this way the cult can share their energy with their selected deity,increasing the choosen's powers one hundred fold. (All this while said gods or goddesses cannot turn on their masters and mistresses due to the scriptures carved into their bodies making them divine slaves similar to djinn and genies.) Other names for Pantheon are "The Miracle Society" "The Ordained Circle" "Green Glade" and simply "The Order". On the surface Pantheon members seem to blend together a lot of ritualistic symbolism from Judeo Christian beliefs, Celtic paganism, Native-American shamanism,Buddhism,and Hinduism. As such it makes it easy fot them to assimilate into other cultures. Pantheon is directly against Jehovah and most other preexisting deities as they seek to replace "the old gods" with their "new gods" to bring in a glorious "new" age.
Cadence: A hodge podge of military mercenaries,ex-government agents,supernaturals,and monster slayers who banded together to handle other-worldly threats and paranormal anomalies to keep earth safe. They are very identifiable by their grey body armor with red or blue highlights and tend to have technology similar to the U.S. military. (Albeit a tad more futuristic.) It's rumored Cadence is often the sword arm of the Silver-Cross but they are none the less independents whose goals merely align with those whom they help. Their slogan is "Many voices,one song!"
Legionaries: "Legionaries" were elite soldiers that the modern Vatican church trained to slay supernaturals who had become "monsters" due to their atrocious actions done against humans. (In defiance of the UN peace accords) Legionaries were greatly respected by the Red-Cross but when Daedalus cut funding to the Lazarus project to build The Woke, the legionaries felt betrayed they were being replaced by machines so they defected. The very first legionaries who abandoned the church were the forefathers whom created "Cadence".
Lazarus armor: Trademark holy "power-armor" of the legionaries that can only be operated by someone who has undergone the proper "baptism" procedure. (In which they literally "die" for up to 10 minutes before being brought back from the void) The armor is especially effective versus direct magical and psychic assaults whilst simultaneously offering protection against more "standard" bullets and explosives. Many members of Cadence wear variants of the Lazarus design.