Fam,it's time to stop pillaging for toilet paper and pay attention to what "Big Boomer Papa Goverment" is up to! From what I've gathered the "Earn it act" would force sites to pay unreasonable fees merely for displaying/endorsing adult content and make attempts to maintain one's own privacy thru encryption illegal. Not surprisingly they're trying to rush this passed us during our lovely Pandemic in the hopes we're too busy panicking to notice!
I'm not sure these chuckle-heads have thought about the ramifications. Like how encryption protects us all from malware,viruses,hackers,and doxers. (In other-words,make encryption illegal and watch the internet burn!) Obviously law abiding citizens would be the most vulnerable and the most "screwed". (The same way they'd be fucked in the ass without lubricant if gun-phobic lunatics took away all their fire-arms!)
Regardless methinks it might be a good time to write in to your senators and congressmen!