You did good,kid! Now get me my illegal doujins from the mysterious merchant guy! Here's $2.50!
You did good,kid! Now get me my illegal doujins from the mysterious merchant guy! Here's $2.50!
I like the somewhat Baiken motif. Aka,concealing her claws with the long flowing sleeves! PS: I'm referring to Baiken's mechanical chained claw she uses in some of her attacks.
Baiken has claws?
Rest blissfully sweet prince....See ya when you are spun back thru the wheel of rebirth!
hahaha love this comment <3
(doesnt apply to this characterunfortunately, but it does apply to others i have!)
Ah,my nemesis from my childhood whenever I misbehaved!
My general mood is this illustration. lol.
"And the high n mighty began to feel the memes began to flow......They got rekt and cut down to size, under the glare of Pepe's mirthful eyes!"
Like the combination of school outfit with spunky adventurer trappings as well!
That libido is going off the charts! Good job on the shine and shadows!
Thanks! first time trying out to paint this material. Skintight suits are the best.
That's a kettle spider! Kill it!
"Muh bubblez bring deeeeath!" Well,that must be some gum!
Fool,chronicler,character concept carpenter,tale-spinner,and meme spitter! Social as a lizard,one quarter wizard!
Age 47, Male
Rambling idea guy
Joined on 6/5/04