Guide: Best read in this order!
-Terminology 1
-This Page
-Creative licensing stuff

Further terminology (Including supernatural types/races,etc.)
Esperlin: Supernaturals with demonic and draconic traits, they often get mislabeled as hell-spawn. Of all supernaturals esperlin tend to get the most discrimination. Esperlin can feed on and draw nourishment from the strong emotions and passionate desires of others. Having two hearts,esperlin are strong,hardy,and known for their endurance both in battle and in the bedroom!
Djinn: Simply a type of esperlin that can grant basic wishes when asked. (Manifesting material objects upon request) Most Djinn also developed mastery of a specific element depending on their interests and temperaments. Many Djinn died in the great genie wars as various power-hungry sultans enslaved them and used them as living weapons..
Oni: Esperlin known for both their strength and cunning who bred with and mixed their bloodlines with titans,ogres,and greater devils of larger size. Often depicted in Japanese folklore and myths. It is believed The Fukazawa family has oni blood in their ancestry.
Broodlings: Esperlin who have not reached maturity and who are still children. Broodlings can look like any number of imps,small devils,fire sprites,horned winged reptiles,gremlins, under fey, and tentacled beasties from various folklore. Exhibited stripes,colors, and patterns across their bodies often give hints indicating a broodling's family lineage.
Moon-touched: Lycanthropes that shape shift every full moon or via use of totem spirits. "Werewolves" tend to be the most popular example but "others" exist. (Including were bears, were felines,were foxes (Kitsune) and rabbit folk whom refer to themselves as pooka.)
Nagah: Supernaturals with snake traits. Can be as subtle as a tongue that picks up on pheromones or as blatantly obvious as having a serpentine lower body! Many nagah can “shift” between full snake, half snake, and full human forms at will. Despite having their own classification, there's a high probability they are merely another kind of moon touched.
Dandalion: Supernaturals with insect traits and an affinity with insects. Dandalion have a “hive conscience” but still function as individuals. Each Dandalion princess still has her own agency and her own diverse personality.
Swarm-kin: Dandalion who serve their mostly human looking princesses, they are entirely insect in appearance, come in varied types, and are very large. Swarm kin tend to “go berserk” and attack humans and humanoids in places where nature is being defiled due to pollution and over-population. In general they’re quite peaceful though!
Nihad: Aquatic esperlin who usually keep to themselves. They appear as gelatinous masses (living slimes or jelly-fish) but they can re-mold themselves into whatever shapes they wish. (And will become very beautiful idealized versions of the race of whoever they want to mate with or devour!)
Najin: Aquatic symbiotic race from "Sector 42", they commonly look like elongated jelly fish. Naijin can use their tendrils to possess a host and even rewire the brain and nervous system. Some Najin want peaceful coexistence with their host but others want complete dominance over their most recently acquired bodies. A sensual race, they possess other sentient species to experience "new sensations".
Sarena accidentally merges with a captive najin when her and her foster father Vincent James were creating new technologies for area 52 under the deception they were developing new break-thrus for NASA and cybernetic limb replacements to help wounded veterans. (In truth their inventions were being used by Daudalus to begin creating The Woke)
Regardless,the najin symbiote helped Sarena remember her life from Avanguard as well as its' many technological marvels. Later on when Sarena and Knoss (Liam) have their first female child they name her Vivian after Sarena's foster sister (Vincent's real daughter) and the najin symbiote is responsible for giving Viv the effortless ability to bedazzle and "charm" those around her. (Similar to Amy's fey glamour but much MUCH more intense.)
It is unknown how Najin "reproduce" but some believe it's thru mitosis then the host body leaves the younger split off versions behind thru perspiration,sexual ejaculate, or excrement of waste.
Justoth: The "life force" of any given planet that can support life. Can appear as raw energy or simply a huge behemoth of a creature. The healthier a planet,the healthier its' Justoth. (No two Justoth are alike.)
G'nars: G'nars are the Justoth's children. On earth sightings of these mammoth beings are often likened to the Lochness monster and other myths about large land roaming, flying, or sea dwelling monsters tied to specific areas. The Japanese call G'nar kaiju.
Sylph: Similar to the nihad,sylph are gelatinous moving blobs in their most natural state but can shape-shift to mimic anything or anyone. Unlike the nihad who inhabit oceans,sylph seem to move more often upon the land but depending on their "elemental affinity" some sylphs can be oceanic as well or even exist within magma filled volcanoes. An intelligent and sensual race that can rely emotions and pleasurable sensations thru touch, they have much in common with the nihad only seem to be a "purer breed" that did not intermingle with esperlin as heavily. Many speculate sylph are the extraterrestrial ancestors of the nihad and created "rift gates" to slip-stream between worlds and other dimensions.
Fey: Term for elves in general. Fey often use fairy glamour to blend into human society and tend to be in positions of wealth and power because of their physical attractiveness, mysterious allure, and long life spans.
Sub-humanoids: General term for goblins,trolls,orcs,fairies,and similar races. The "sub" in this case doesn't mean "less than" but rather refers to their preference to live in subterranean underground caverns and tunnels shut off from "the above" so they can maintain a more free spirited and tribal way of life. In cities they have flourishing populations in abandoned subway stations and in the sewers. More polite terms for them is "under-folk" or "under-kin". They often share their territory with broodlings and adult esperlin who do not have the necessary glamours to pass as human.
Averials: Hollow boned humanoids with avian wings who draw their power from the eidolon of belief and devotion. Often mistaken to be biblical angels.
Phoenix born: Otherwise known as “star-children” phoenix-born can resurrect after dying and tend to have an affinity with fire and solar energy. Usually phoenix-born can conjure fiery wings or fully take on an exotic bird form. Phoenix born’s souls are linked to different stars so they can have very long (Or very short) life spans. While "fire-birds" are the most common phoenix-born other variants were created during the big-bang as well,reputedly to help with various other tasks.It is said after "ascending" phoenix born shared the astral plane with the A'tar (A race of very powerful psychic beings) but a war broke out when the A'tar wanted to merge the elemental realms with the mental psychic network realm via an arranged marriage between their races. Things fell into immediate chaos when the princess of the phoenix born fled the scene of the wedding via a planear and space folding vessel with a few A'tar cruisers following the fleeing bride in hot pursuit. The A'tar and phoenix born eventually still came to a truce after the disastrous failed "joining ritual" but unfortunately by then many lives had been lost. At present the highest ranking phoenix royals still rule the elemental realms within the astral plane whereas the A'tar still reside in the realm of the akashic records. (That embody philosophical thoughts,ingenious ideas,dreams,nightmares,creative musings,and break thru spiritual epiphanies.)
Babel: The dead shared language of Avanguard all the first races once spoke to each other. When Avanguard and The Will Of Creation were shattered the singular language and singular dialect became "many". Phoenix born believe their natural ability to speak and learn many languages was a gift departed to them from a piece of The Will that had specialized in creating the Babel codex. As such many phoenix born see themselves as intergalactic messengers with the divine purpose to someday reunite all the first races.
Cocktrice: Rare phoenix type tied to the earth instead of a star. Their bird-forms tend to be large and flightless yet very fast running with long legs and sharp talons as well as complimentary beaks strong enough to crack stones. (And cocktrices literally eat stones with various minerals to retain their health) When in human form they are very well muscled, brown skinned, and tall. Being submerged in mud or sand will heal a cocktrice's wounds and bring them back from death.
Crono phoenix: Rare phoenix type that can manipulate the passage of time. Upon expending great amounts of energy they begin aging rapidly but a beloved keepsake on their person can return their youth to them after enough life vitae slowly refills within the aforementioned item.
Dusk phoenix: Rare phoenix type that can communicate with the dead and ferry lost souls to the underworld. Usually they are accompanied by willow-wisps that absorb latent left over ectoplasm that feeds the dusk phoenix as nourishment. In bird form dusk phoenixes are graceful black swans or ravens. In human form they're stunningly beautiful with pale skin and dark lustrous hair. (Usually female) A Dusk phoenix cannot truly die as they already partially exist in the realm of the dead to begin with.
Bird of paradise: Phoenix that can control wind,lightning,and rain. In bird form they have long colorful feathers,curved beaks,and large intelligent eyes. (Competing with the standard fire-birds in cuteness!) In human form they tend to have bronze skin with a healthy sheen and look very South American or Native American.Upon resurrection birds of paradise create powerful storms in their wake.
Atar: A psychic race that protects the akashic records and the universe's collective psychic network. When in "our world" Atar look like pale humanoids with somewhat expressionless or disenchanted (though still very human looking) facial features. This coupled with their proclivity to gravitate towards wearing blacks and drab greys often gets them mistaken as "goths' or "emos". When on the astral plane Atars are much more powerful and take on their "true forms" of sentient fluctuating multi-colored balls of swirling energy,each one resembling a mini-cosmos in motion! For the most part Atar are benign observers though certain "rogue Atar" may have more sinister motives.
Necros: A broad term that encompasses all undead from vampires and zombies all the way to ghouls, liches, wraiths, or animated skeletons. Within the Ultranet-world's earth setting it's suggested many necros were created by Caine's symbiotic armor night-savior but "voiders/husk wearers" are actually something else entirely despite certain similarities to pure strain undead. Non-Cainite "pure" necros are often risen by necromancers, turn themselves undead via elaborate forbidden rituals, or linger in the mortal realm to complete tasks that were left unfulfilled when they died.
Normies: Slang for standard run of the mill humans.
Supers: Short-hand for “super-naturals”.
Flip/s/: A "flip" is slang for someone who changes gender during their soulmorphisis (Awakening). Some in the supernatural community find the word offensive but others could care less! Most flips dealt with gender dysphoria daily before finally going thru their change phase.
Soul knotting: The ability for supernaturals to share their potential mystic energy,combine their powers to create more powerful attacks,and synchronize better during battle or other dire situations. Soul knotting is only possible between people with exceptionally powerful emotional and spiritual bonds be they friends or lovers. "True love" be it brotherly,sisterly,or romantic is a requirement for this most sacred of techniques.
Threads: "Threads" is the term for indviduals who seem especially influential when the fate of the universe is concerned. They also tend to "weave together", their friendships,rivalries,and love affairs drastically effecting the reality around them.
Malicide: An energy residue that reacts strongly in places saturated with negative emotional trauma where many unfortunate events have accumulated over time.
Remnants: Nightmarish phantasmal creatures that form from residual negativity,embodying the sorrows,twisted desires, or phobias of the people who used to live in the areas where malicide has built up. Usually it takes some sort of "trigger" to stir remnants into motion.
Homunculi: Unlike necros whom rise from the dead on their own, a homunculus is a lifeless body (or several lifeless bodies stitched together) given life by a necromancer. A more affectionate term for a homunculus is a "doll". (Usually reserved for homunculi who are still very beautiful and retain much of their former humanistic qualities.)
Edenites: Humans who could use sorcery via understanding and absorbing the information of certain crystals and "urr stones" found within pieces of the remaining Vulcan's Hammer life ark that rained down upon earth with the crystal children.
The founders of the edenite civilization were Lilith (A crystal child and esperlin herself) and Adam,a human who had been exposed to some of the energies of the ark's power source thus becoming almost immortal himself. (This core would eventually be sunk beneath the bubbling marsh of Eden,creating the "life pools" which greatly prolonged the life-spans of any who submerged themselves within them.)
It is rumored the edenites lived in peace for thousands of years but eventually Adam became corrupted by a certain urr-stone containing Jehovah's soul essence. (Certain scriptures refer to it as the dark gem) Jehovah was able to take over Adam's body as his own and Lilith was reputedly imprisoned and used in experiments to create powerful creatures. (Possible demonic variants of the first homunculi) Eventually Lilith was rescued but not before undergoing physical abuse, heart break, and immense psychological trauma. Certain scholars hypothesize she went into a deep sleep,creating an impenetrable outer stone shell around herself to heal from the torture she underwent.
Eden was scorched and blackened by war between various fractions,the sheer turmoil causing Pangaea (centralized continent) to divide into many lesser continents.
Supernaturals, shamans, chi-users,psychics,nephulim (Rogue averials) and druids sided with Lilith whereas alchemists,necromancers,averials,and human purists sided with Adam. Adam's followers eventually created the Red-Cross whereas other edenites eventually helped create the Silver-cross.
Descendants from edenite ancestry are extremely healthy,long lived,impervious to diseases, and have certain mystic or psychic attributes. (Even if they are in no way "supernaturals" themselves.)
Vulcan's hammer: The largest drifting chunk of the remaining ruins of Avanguard, it was an asteroid saturated with many shardlings (crystal children) and remnants of Avanguardian technology. It is rumored pieces of Vulcan's Hammer that broke off from the main asteroid by being pulled in by earth's gravitational field started the age of Eden.
Ysidril: Lilith's bio engineered life tree that gave birth to younger supernatural races such as elves,orcs,goblins,trolls,fairies,dragons,wyverns,and gryphons whose ancestors emerged from the tree's large pods. Later when Adam took control of Ysidril for himself he used it to create the first homunculi and "other" monsters spliced together specifically for warfare. (Whilst he was possessed by Jehovah thru the dark gem.)
The Woke: Mostly mechanized cyborgs with human brains and complimentary military hardware who were originally created by Daedalus (Mad inventor allied with Jehovah) to enforce a globalist regime (G.U.E.S.T) and to "hunt down and capture" supernaturals.
The great synchronization: During the Woke invasion Vivian James manages to serve as the vessel for humanity's "greater psychic network", linking her consciousness with millions of other "anons" to repel the soulless robotic gustapo. Not only does this destroy a large number of manufactured Woke but it also has the unforeseen side effect of bringing down the veil,causing millions of other unsuspecting "sleep-walkers" to go thru their soul-morphises thus becoming their true supernatural selves. At this point "the hidden world" is no longer hidden and humanity has to deal with the truth.
Spooky space: A term designated by that name By Max,Xander,and their friends when they investigated the disappearance of certain citizens during the 70's. It turns out killers were drawing people with supernatural powers into another dimensional space then agitating the malicide within this shadow-realm to create monsters (remnants) to savagely slay anyone now trapped within "the in-between". Investigations revealed "Spooky space" has the familiar landmarks of our reality but tends to be devoid of other inhabitants. (Well at least beyond the people unfortunate enough to find themselves lost there) The area is covered in strange red and purple foliage as well as large flowers that open and react to physical movement. (This same grouping of mosses and flora also quickly feed on and break down corpses making it the ideal way to dispose of bodies and evidence.) It was learned specially created tuning forks and their own sonic frequencies could teleport people into this zone and draw them out of it again. Max in particular stopped a plot to shift a whole town into spooky-space when a crazed extremist hunter guild was going to broadcast their special frequency using a radio tower.
Mocking tree: Trees within spook-space that stay in the same places but occasionally contort their branches and trunks into different shapes to confuse travelers. The long hole adorned leaves of mocking trees also roll up into large natural wind chimes so whenever winds blow it sounds like laughing or whispering voices.
Cawkos: Extra-dimensional scavenger birds with 6 eyes (3 on either side of their heads) and serrated beaks that at a distance might be mistaken for large ravens. Cawkos are very intelligent and one of the few living animals within Spooky-Space.
Dome of the interwoven martyrs: A huge dome,appearing to be woven out of miscellaneous fossilized corpses,some more human like and others more creature like. It is within this structure Blood-King (Sometimes referred to as King Burgundy) is imprisoned. It is located at the center of Spooky-space. (Or the in-between)
Pod Pumpkins: An organic botanical device in which people submerge themselves within pumpkin shaped pods called operator nodes as the neighboring replicator nodes (Which look more like giant blooming flowers) create green skinned dopple-gangers serving as sensory relay drones and malleable puppets for those still inside the main pods. Reputedly the fey used this device to live out decadent fantasies they'd be ashamed to do "in the flesh". As their heightened senses were linked to their dopple-gangers everything felt "real". The fey discontinued the growth of pod pumpkins when a modified version of them was used to mass produce thousands of pod-people foot soldiers by the unseelie (dark) fey. After the "battle of pods" the seelie (light) fey forbid their continued use and reproduction. It should be noted the life cycle of a "pod person/dopple-ganger" is rather short.
Tuning Tower (Stigmata point): Tuning towers for all intents and purposes look like and function as typical radio towers. However,they all are dug in at ley line nexus points,reverberating at a certain meta-harmonic frequency to maintain "The Veil". During the energy backlash of The Great Synchronization quite a few tuning-towers get overloaded and damaged severely thereby weakening The Veil in the process.
The Veil: The Veil is a harmonic energy field that subdues the supernatural and paranormal. It makes it more difficult for extradimensional and interdimensional beings to cross over into our reality and any miraculous displays of magic,psychic abilities,or shape shifting are often forgotten or "remembered differently" by observers due to The Veil's constant influence. There are certain places where The Veil is weaker and they are often considered "haunted" or "off limits" to the general public. As expected,supernaturals find it very difficult to use their abilities where The Veil is strongest.
Noise: Slang for weird whispers and "otherworldly sounds" that emanate from various electronic devices from time to time. Many academics believe they're ghosts trying to communicate with us and there are brief moments of crystal clarity when we can ease drop on other dimensions and other planes of existence.
Split-head-suit: The split-head suit is a creature that usually dwells on the psychic plane "phased somewhat out of synch with reality" to remain unseen whilst feeding on negative emotions. It tends to prey upon people who are mentally ill because when they're brains are over-taxed by mania or depression their energies are too low or too erratic for them to put up the proper mental defenses to fend off a Split-head's psychic vampirism. After a person is sufficiently drained by multiple feedings a split-head-suit can control them like a puppet. This is usually at the point the victim is encouraged to commit suicide as the split-head-suit gets to feast on their soul expulsions which are far "richer" for their diet than merely snacking on intense feelings.
It is believed these creatures were created as "silent assassins" by the atar during their war with the phoenix born that took place on the astral as well as elemental planes. Most of them were destroyed and decommissioned later on but a few survived. As expected their weakest point are the fleshy tendrils that emerge and thrash about excitedly from their faceless heads that "split open" when they're about to feed. "Ironically" when an autopsy was done on a rare split-head corpse found deep in the Glendale national forest it was discovered their DNA was more plant-like than animal-like.
Memory Merigolds: A strain of mystic exotic flower Elizabeth Mackleigh created after studying the surprisingly very plant-like DNA of a fallen split-head suit. These flowers sprung up all around Gutterdelve,all connected via vines to the "central brain flower". Betty used this "organic memory implantation device" to change the memories of certain citizens. Many previous alliances and friendships were torn asunder by false recollections of "being enemies". This chaos was to help Elizabeth's mentor Daedalus secure control of the town quickly amidst the chaos. (Whereas he'd typically be met by "unified" opposition otherwise.)
Husks: Symbiotic beings created by "The Crimson One" (Blood King/Burgundy King) "husks" work by attaching to "voiders". Voiders are individuals who thru great trauma or simply surviving thru difficult times lost apart of their souls so the husks move in to become a sort of "surrogate substitute" for that particular deadened spiritual fragment. The problem is with that comes a fetish or acute "hunger" that must be indulged in by the husk-bearer on a regular basis. Failure to feed will weaken both the husk and their host alike. Regardless, "the act" that reinvigorates the husk usually has much to do with what aspect of humanity a voider "lost" or denied to partake in along the way. For example ,a lonely scholarly shut-in who avoided the carnal sensations of the flesh will need to have the most sordid,kinky, and naughty sex imaginable to sate his or her symbiotic partner. A warrior who put down his sword for the peaceful life or as repentance before God will suddenly have the urge to slay the wicked and fight worthy foes nightly. Some may even need to eat flesh,consume blood,or feed off "Psychic energy"akin to the necros. (undead) However a husk-bearer is not truly undead. They are an incomplete person suddenly made whole by the shadowy otherworldly being now residing within them. Husks can take on many forms from armors,to weapons,to capes and cowls,to imaginary friends from broken childhoods, and even monstrous representations of a person's own inner psyche. There's always an aspect of the husk that seems "living",moving, and organic.
Though the Blood-King originally created husks to gain direct control of those whom would merge with them, husks all became "sentient", each one possessing their own wants,desires,and goals. This was an unforeseen evolution of their kind and much to the chagrin of their maker whom simply wanted them to serve as "strings" to manipulate potential puppets.
During the "husk rebellion" a knighthood of husks and voiders sealed Blood-King away within a great dome made of their own fossilized woven together bodies, sacrificing themselves to become his eternal prison. Once Blood-King "almost" escaped but was driven back into the hollow dome by Duncan Smith,Max Hemmingway,Xander O'Sheely,Jason Redding,Wendy O'Sheely, Rahman Aigiri,George Mackleigh, and Diane Redding.
Reputedly night-savior is one of the oldest and most powerful husks to ever have existed and proceeded to bind with Adam's son Caine. Akin to other husks, "nightsavior" can plant "husk seeds" within other voiders,impregnating their incomplete beings with infant versions of itself. (In other words,Husk "children".)
Blood-King (Burgundy): Keldor's "creepy brother", Blood-King (More modestly referred to as "Lord Burgundy" by close friends and colleagues!) is not even mentioned in the Avanguardian records. This is probably because he had no interest in The Will Of Creation what so ever but rather preferred to create more grotesque and macabre "things" within his own self created abyss. If Keldor is the stars you could say Blood-King is the darkness between those stars. Regardless, "conflict" and "chaos" fascinated Blood-King and he always detested when things were too orderly and too peaceful. Some say it was Blood-King whom tempted Jehovah and Dahwak into trying to over-throw the whole council but if so, no historian from the "time before time" ever referenced such meetings or conspiratorial suspicions.
The creation of our universe was a nuisance to Blood-King only in so far as it expanded to the point it infringed into his personal domain. Yet Blood-King also saw this as an opportunity to cause ever more chaos and discord,watching at a distance as whole civilizations and species warred with each other to the delightful cacophony of anguished screams,vital fluids spilling upon the ground,and big brilliant explosions.
Blood-King created beings called "husks" to possess and take control of those who would serve as his puppets but in the end the husks developed their own sentience and came to love those they symbiotically bound with more than their original maker. In the "husk rebellion" Blood-King was betrayed by his own children,locked away within an impenetrable dome created from the interwoven fossilized bodies of husks and the hero martyrs merged with them whom sacrificed themselves to cut him off from the material plane.
Though Blood-King has come close to freeing himself from the dome of interwoven martyrs on a few separate occasions, he was always stopped by do-gooding meddlers.
Despite his adversarial relationship with his brother Keldor, Blood-King does not truly desire his demise. He simply likes jumping atop of cosmic mud-puddles to create cataclysmic ripples to see how his sibling will react to the situation. To mere mortals like us that translates as literally hell on earth!